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About Murtha

  • Birthday 03/18/1988

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  • Location
    Santa Clara, California

Murtha's Achievements

Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. I wanted to be attracted to this girl, but I just couldn't do it. Love the concept though!
  2. Thanks for the responses. But yeah, it does happen every time, regardless of restarts or whatever. If I were to enter the commands into the console each time I start the game, I am guessing the graphics would stay at whatever they were, but is that worth it you think? (Fixing the LERP thing worth it I mean)
  3. The Flyers? No way. How?
  4. cl_updaterate 100 cl_interp_all 1 cl_interp_ratio 1 cl_interp 0.021
  5. When I use an autoexec.cfg, every time I load DoD:S my graphics get reset. Not only that, but they get weird too: chat boxes get resized, text in the game chat and on the voice label gets super tiny. All sorts of weirdness. Any thoughts? My autoexec.cfg only has in it exactly what the LERP post says too in this thread: LERP post.
  6. I normally say brunette and then a blonde walks past me that changes my mind.
  7. As a devout Flyers fan, I am still in shock. Did the suicide rate in Boston jump dramatically today?
  8. My Flyers gonna do it! Come on!
  9. Goofy me at Hearst Castle.
  10. I don't think this is prevalent in the unit as I hear everyone asking "Who is that?" when someone talks on Vent. It is a an overlay, in my opinion, vastly superior to the one built into Vent. I know it works fine in DoD:S but I am not sure about other games. It is very minimalistic and takes up a very small portion of the screen. Give it a try if you want to know who is talking on Vent or who is in your channel (that is another bind you can set). http://www.voice-overlay.info.ms/ I think most of the setup and options are pretty self-explanatory, but one thing to note: under options in the box asking for your name in Vent, enter your entire name as seen in a Vent channel. For me it HAS to be [Pvt.] I. Murtha [1st MRB] or it won't work. Enjoy!
  11. Thanks. Trying all of the options you guys mentioned. Greco, how do you know if a version of DirectX worked or not?
  12. As long as the Flyers are in, I am happy as can be. Going in on the back of Brian Boucher...Haha
  13. Just curious if there are any suggestions on in game settings or launch options to optimize DoD:S.
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