Distinguished Civilian-
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About Petri
- Birthday 07/25/1986
Profile Information
Rainy Washington
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Forum Pupil (12/91)
Been gone awhile now with work. I'm home for a second long enough to hop online and tell you all HELLO!!! and I didn't forget about the unit. Work is good, travelling is fun both at the same time. PAIN IN MY ASS! That being said with the kids and old lady at home (if I never check in again its because my Old Lady killed me for leaving her with the kids again while I go to work HAHAHA!) there are some fun notes to being out of town for work. I will Present this in a top 10 list for your reading enjoyment. 10) What the hell was management looking for in my room while I was at work? 9) Why does my car always have a new mechanical problem when I am over 200 Miles from home? 8) How many small to medium sized animals will jump out in front of me while I'm commuting? 7) Nearest tool store is 45minutes away and then, one of your specialty tools (yay for pocket lasers) breaks. 5) Walking through the small town main street with all the locals staring at you. (dam out o' towneres took er jerbs!) 4) Watching the tweaker cleaning lady walk around and, placing bets on how long it will take for her to randomly twitch. 3) Honestly debating with yourself if it is worth buying a blacklight to check the motel room in. 2) Who's needle is that in my bed? I thought I threw mine away! 1) Learning to cook everything you normally eat in a microwave and, wondering why it still tastes better than Denny's food. I will see you all soon this damn job can't last forever hehehe.
When you've been up too long.......
I used to train alot when I was in high school. I had the advantage of working at a Martial Art Supply Store so I got to meet and, at times train with alot of different instructors. The ones I actually dedicated the most time too were Aiki Juijitsu, Iaido and, a variation of Kenjutsu from two different instructors. A general acceptance is many of the Japanese unarmed styles techniques were derived from sword techniques. So learning one lended alot of base movements to the other so, I decided to work on both. My Aiki Juijitsu instructor also did Jo (staff) work with us as well but, it wasn't the main focus. I don't train with an instructor anymore since between when I'm working and, the kids I just can't find the time but, I still can sneak off alittle bit and go practice with the sword and, staff work since its still practical without a partner.
...and then the two bro's went....
I might have to edit that its not really charity work its an inside joke for the side jobs me and, my brothers do. We call it charity because we do it for alot cheaper than we do our day jobs and, because we don't do checks or anything only cash so the companies we work for don't find out about it.
Me at the space needle two years ago? Me and my stepdaughter discussing ducks and, geese plotting to take over the world also about two years ago. Only thing different between now and then is the beard is getting longer and the child is too damn tall. The ducks and, geese however are still plotting. Me and my brother after we finished stick framing the roof of a "charity" job we did. (We built this one from the dirt up except the electrical and, roofing)
THey didn't have my drunk type on there I'm either hyper piss on everything drunk or pass our on random things drunk.
That poor guitar must feel so used................ Back on subject though that was pretty impressive just coordinating all that in such alittle space.
I usually don't chime in on the politics and, religious stuff but this is a fun one. It is a very simple answer really. Religion for a political candidate works as both a platform and, description of said candidate and their beliefs and morals. Example if you approach a voter and, tell them you are christian one of the first things that will probably pop up in their head is you are anti-abortion. If a candidate calls themself Atheist they would most likely sound more liberal minded to the average voter. In the very fast paced world most Americans live in most of us don't spend too much time researching our candidates past what we see or, hear in passing. So, whatever tool you can round up to describe yourself in passing to voters that would vaguely answer most of the common questions easily is going to be used the most. Religion happens to be one of the best go-to's. Also, with the majority of American's claiming to be christian its an obvious reason to push the religious agenda to make you appear more "in-line" with the average person if you at the least share their belief. On a flip side to that concept it brings up an intriguing idea. If you do have someone who would vote against their own morals what does that say about the person? If they are able to turn on their own beliefs what would make a person believe they will uphold yours (meaning I would see someone who would turn on their own beliefs as spinless)? I will honestly say for myself that even if the people I represented wanted me to vote for something I morally disagreed with I wouldn't do it. Thankfully for voters I have no intention of ever running for any office (except maybe supreme overlord of the world right next to pinky and the brain). (note: this section has little to nothing to do with orignial post but, i wanted to put it in anyways) Hope thats a very easy answer to a common question. /step off soap-box
Jebus loves you skip! Good to hear you were back around the Pub!
Yea it is a very messed up scene. I saw the original triology already so I don't think I'll be going to see the remake of it.
Name: FusedRage Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:18193601 Reasons for the Ban: Intentionally TK'd someone who was AFK. After the warning he said, he didn't care if he got banned and TK'd some more people before leaving. Recommended duration of ban: I would have perma-banned but, it is not my descision. Demo Provided?: No Y/N
LMAO good shit
Been to Canada and of course the west coast US. Where I want to go Japan, All the UK, Germany, Ukraine, Romania, Italy, and Some of the Scandinavian Countries. I'm still waiting for Santa to bring me my damn plane tickets.