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Everything posted by KissMeQuick

  1. atleast some one... than.

  2. zzz damn long time since i last time was here

  3. Have a good one today.
  5. Ow god no...

    power rangers eek.

    always hated it why>?

    its soo bad acted.. realy ow well good luck ^^

    and welcome not seen u on server yet

  6. Hehe Ty Guys Wont be On Much next 3 days.. Gifted my self a 3 day festival ticket to a festival near my place its huge one of the biggest of the country and well 3 days party time its called PINKPOP so search it up if needed thank you for all the Happy Bdays
  7. u should shave it XD
  8. maybee......
  9. Happy Bday Engle since u surely not posting whores on ur own bday topic ill do it for ya so have a good one..
  10. No problem as you can see im all into this game i just love it ^^
  11. game play is realy great and balance there are a damn lot cops and robbers why? Srsly i ama cop but when im driving my new bought 40k$ mustang all custom painted by me damn.. and than sniper rifle + deagling blowing up cars killing them i feel almost like a gangster.. in objectives its a huge difference between the 2 sides but in apearance and way of dealing with the problems they nearly the same. and it looks realy close to gta IV and for an online game thats realy a good thing + u can customize soooo much things u can use defaulty logo's paint them and shape em and put them on ur car clothes or what ever or u can even create a whole logo from base to end by ur self and use it on ur clothes.. or cars.. its just soooo amazing.. and teaming up against those guys is a good thjing 1 drives other hangs out of window shooting at em and the whole city atmosphere is good 2 and its only the beta i played and by far not unlocked all features i wanted to try so just check out movies and reviews the game is P2P tho but thats no rpob for me u either buy 20 hours packs or just 10$ for 30 days unlimited playtime i think thats a realy fair price for what u get back and the social district is awlays accesable even without game time so u can always spend time on customizing ur stuffs and selling those stuff on the marketplace and the points earned on mkarketplace can be converted to GAMETIME!!! ^^ great things istn it?
  12. Happy birthday, have a nice day and enjoy the cake engle do your job
  13. after some sundays testingbehind my back this whole week is beta for the group (SHARPSHOOTERS) i belong 2 so i am playing apb all week long hehehe bought ma self already an great car great guns got multiple sets of clothes all in all this game gets better and better and i beleive it gets released 1 july so only few monts to wait
  14. Happy Birthday hope u have had a nice day. i am so dissapointed to see no one has posted this yesterday. sorry i wasnt on atleast i had posted a Happy bday on time pfff *SHAME ON YOU ALL* hehe
  15. # 1598 "deathsoldier" STEAM_0:0:20309016 03:19 176 0 active NON STOP TEAM KILLING perma ban requested
  17. he got slapped by wells rusty shovel and....
  18. eaten a white red mushroom and grew super big, and started chasing smith with a giant rusty shovel until he tripped over a....
  19. No one but S. Smith showed up at the funeral, while he was reading a newspaper with the headline !!!!!WELLS HAS NO PENIS!!!!!! than he got suddenly tapped on his shoulder by a......
  20. ow hell i just read that

    LOL BENNET pics! XD

    wells demands pics and so do i NOW!

  21. css/html issue ahum ahum *scratches head* well its not that big deal i only have it on the pc at work :S my home 1 is fine :S but well yea my home pc is pretty new and great so :S if it wouldnt work on it il have to kick some one in the nuts.
  22. yea i wanted 2 and just look at the picture u see the buttons of the page 1 2 3 > >> the buttons not line up with the text its messed up or do i need highlight it?
  23. ow nononon dont get me wrong i mean i cant upload em to some url to paste here ... i have to do that at home.. but thank any way i really appreciate the offer ^^. and the more i know about all the pc stuff the more i start feeling like a geek o.O *hides* any way i think i atached it.. not sure :S hope it works
  24. i cant upload any pictures here i got 1 tho,. ill upload it later at home... and post it to this thread
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