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About Lefebvre

  • Birthday 07/07/1991

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Forum Apprentice

Forum Apprentice (9/91)



  1. Granted, but your still stuck in that maid dress with your rank on your shoulders I wish Collins was a Kangaroo
  2. Fail Cayen, it was in Saving Private Ryan when the Captain speaks with the wrong Ryan
  3. -"I don't know how to say it so i'll just do...your brothers are dead..." [...] -"but there still in grammar school..."
  4. Name: [CBC] Chode Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:21672474 12:18 108 Reasons for the Ban: Being a complete Dick on the server, intentionnaly spawn killing/wounding and blaming other players for it, porn sprays (possibly), using the "N" word, claiming server as his own, complete lack of respect for 1st MRB members Recomended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Yes, just ask [FRGT]TasteMyRainbow for it, he recorded everything Y/N
  5. Awesome job guys! The server has been up for only a few hours but I've seen a bunch of old faces I haven't seen in a while log on the server because of the no lag! *Salute* Thx again Major and retired Major aswell as all the officers
  6. Me: "Collins I love your accent, marry me" Collins: "Wtf lefty?!" A long time ago that was, and it still marked me till this day
  7. Collins versus a Kangaroo, 1930's style! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. holy crap! I do hope he has the same humour and character as I do! That be AWESOME!
  9. "Ima kill you until you die from dying" -Myself "Americans! (with a crazy southern accent)" -Pvt. Cox
  10. Proceeded to marry that monster and they had...
  11. I did...look at the page before this one...
  12. No one said nothing about my pictures...I feel so left out
  13. masturbate after the lubed their...
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