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About Tucker

  • Birthday 03/25/1989

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  • Location
    San Jose, Ca

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Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. Damn long time no see guys! I bet some of you guys thought I died I bet! LOL Well no I didnt guys, I am okay haha. Sad part is that it is exactly what the title says though, I am in Yemen on emergency diplomacy since late june, hence my MIA. In-case you guys are not up to date on what is going on right now, I have posted a link to an article that I found on CNN that explains nearly everything. Sad part is that I will not be home anytime soon...as far as I know that is. It is good to hear that the unit is doing well though w/o me. But hey guys I will be on from time to time now since we finally got our network for our internet worked out here, so if you guys wanna know how I am doing or how things are going here just post in here and Ill try to get back to you (cant guarantee that every question will be answered about details here due to national security reasons). But hey good luck guys! Hope to hear from you all through here! http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/08/25/...?iref=allsearch -SSgt. B. Tucker USAF
  2. All I can say is...*Blink* *Blink*.."What on earth was that?!" @_@ LOL
  3. Congrats bro! If you get stationed in 29palms your gonna be stationed w/ my boy Binh who's a Navy Corpsman for the combat engineers!
  4. DUDE...how the hell do you do this game? @_@ Its crazy hard...my eyes hurt now!
  5. STEAM_0:1:17693550 09:17 69 0 active He was being extreamly racist as well as mean towards other players about not being in the military!
  6. Glad your back bro!
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