Unit Info
Unit name:
Unit website:http://101stairborne.darkbb.com/forum.htm
CO:Capt. Van Stavel
XO:1st Lt. Fraser
Unit Liaison:T/5 Doppenberg
Contact Information:T/5 Doppenberg [101st AB] (steam),
Match Details
Time:April, 24th, 3:00 or 5:00 PST
Place (our server or your server):our server /
Players (8v8,10v10,12v12,14v14,16v16):10v10
Weapons (e.g. 2-2-1-1-1): 2 assault, 1 support, and 1 sniper or MG
Rules (weapon pickups,prop blocking,boosting, etc): all pickups, no propboosting,
Breakable Barricades Only, Half Half.
Additional Info (optional)
Your Server Mods (e.g. medic, pistol, 80 health):80 health, Medic, Realism mod, Pistol, 2 Normal nades for rifleman.(black out for the scrim)
Match Type (Official or Unofficial):Official
-T/5 Doppenberg of the 101st Airborne Division.