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About McCaskill

  • Birthday 06/01/1991

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  • Location
    Tulsa, Ok

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Forum Charlatan

Forum Charlatan (17/91)



  1. Hey all its been quite awhile since ive been on or even participated, but sure missed yall. Ive been real busy working 2 jobs and jumping as much as possible as of right now ive finally gotten my A license with the USPA with 32 jumps greatest thing in the world nothing can beat it. Also in november my son Drake Hunter McCaskill will be born and i couldnt be more excited. My fiance and i are just now getting settled into our house and surely ill have some internet soon and be back to play but miss you all hope all is well!! My son Drake! Uploaded with My coach with the gopro connect on his foot while i try my first flip out of the 182! Uploaded with
  2. My favorite moment or thing that happened on dods was one night I joined an open realism server and asked primos to join me and other MRB members.....than comes in engle and we all got on the same team stacked as shit besides 2 guys who were rogue but in the same clan. So I'm feeling really good knowing we would get an easy win. The map was donner and we started on allies. We all had a plan to go through fields so we left right side spawn. So we get out of spawn go around that corner and into the door about to turn right and head fields, however the two Guys who no one knew decided shooting right when we entered that room which than turns into this cluster fuck of tk ing, primos killed me than primos guys killed eachother than engle turns around and kills the rest of our team, and the guys that started that shit already left the server before they could be tk'd I never laughed sooo hard in my life. The other team turned on global chat and was like WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!! lol that was the best memory I have on Dods
  3. My mom also worked for that company in Oklahoma =D
  4. its chill i rage all the time, i have my moments to, its just a game (=, im trying to quit smoking so i know the feeling

  5. Sorry bout this morning I had no tobacco and was raging mad u know u my boiiii lmao

  6. I'm currently working at my drop zone in Oklahoma for skydiving I edit the videos and photos for people who come out to jump I also skydive there and pack rigs ranging from tandem rigs to sport rigs also I'm in college working on getting a degree towards the field of pyschiatry I like nice walks on the beach and playing dungeons and dragons in my grandmamas basement jk on the last Part but mainly I just love to skydive if you try it you will have what we like to call as an airgasm. =D
  7. This is what we did this last weekend, its my new high, my friend joe is the videographer pretty badass jump with our dzo check it out!!! (i am in the video at the end when joe lands i shake his hand for such a great jump and btw he's flying a 119 which is sick nasty!)
  8. Havent seen you in awhile! hope all is well

  9. Here is my roomie who got me into it i didnt get a pic of my first iad however this is him in his tony suit over haskell airport in oklahoma! best equipment to take pics for skydiving is the gopro a little bit costly but definately pays off in the end! Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. i love it bro i just started out, im working for my A license jumping in oklahoma at this time i suggest that you definately try it out wether you do a tandem aff or iad either way man its an amazing experience , its the one thing that i have finaly found as a hobby that i feel totaly at peace if you ask any skydiver its hard to explain to you the feeling you get from it theres no describing it however it maybe costly and if you really get into it you will have to piece your rig together from container, main, reserve which comes out to about 1700 to 5000 for a new one and can get very expensive but i definately say you should try it at least once. the feeling at first will keep you on edge for days because you always have that footing or ground underneath you just imagine it being ripped out from underneath your feet its sick cayen pepper definately suggest you do it bro!!
  11. What i have been up to and why yall haven't seen me in awhile i still miss yall besides engle! lol Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. SAME bro i was just making sure u were still alive i rarely get on dods anyways hahaha

  13. What up bro? I have been super busy with school and work shit. Dont have time for anything much anymore.

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