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Everything posted by DooDols

  1. I know who you're talking about McCaskill! LoL Goodwin, you're kinda like me and my guy..he's 6'5" and I'm 5'1". He's dirty blonde and I have dark hair plus I'm asian; our lil girl came out with dirty golden strawberry blonde hair. Dirty blondes for me.
  2. Happy Birthday Sir!
  3. Avatar surpasses Transformers. I'm waiting for the sequel, which I've read it'll focus more on Pandora's ocean. /me can'ts wait!
  4. Francoeur, your picture/face looks very familiar..........................very.
  5. shoot, next time hand it off to me then! kthx! you're the best Gio! ok..anywho, that's me on the left.
  6. I love brackish fishies!
  7. Gio, you're gay, other than the fact that you're doing a good cause for the cancer research....then again you made money off of it. So....that makes you gay. ok...jk.
  8. A few minutes from Disneyland in Orange County CA.
  9. Koalas.
  10. cute kids, your wife's hair is cute.
  11. lol Benoit!!!!!
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