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Luna 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Luna 1st MRB

  • Birthday 04/12/1973

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  • Location
    Tijuana, Mexico

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  1. Day Z souns fun, from what I see you guys write on forums, or would that be Arma II? Whichever it is, lol
  2. Happy Birthday Goodwin!
  3. Feliz CumpleaƱos Coronel!
  4. I've been playing WoW for a long time. With Cataclysm I finally really hit the wall with the game. BUT I still had my friends there and they still raided so I kept playing. Now with MoP coming out it seems only a few are coming back. I personally am not really thrilled with the new expansion but I don't really have anywhere else to go nor was I interested in another MMO. Star Wars I was really on the fence about. Love Star Wars but I had doubts and I had a feeling there wouldn't be a good end game. I love to raid! I'm not really into PvP but with that description that Kirkendall just put up...gdamn it if I'm not tempted to buy the game. Gonna look more into it and who knows, maybe I'll be playing GW2 Thanks to all of you for the heads up on the game.
  5. Thats what you guys said about Star Wars....we'll see... lol
  6. Well Im sittin here, contemplating on whether to buy this....I probably will, sounds like a lot of fun.
  7. Name:[-(ph) Dominator Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:39034104 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: went -20 TKing in spawn. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Bryant asked to to come in over steam to take care of this guy after multiple warnings about TKing.
  8. "Could I change that" Im not sure what you are referring to...unless you mean, convert to vtf file, then here it is. http://www.mediafire.com/?bavbvt665qv58z0 Also I only use Photobucket or mediafire, dont have another file hosting site. Photobucket wont let me load up vtfs though or you can send me a private message with your email and i can mail it to you
  9. What do you think of this?
  10. Name: Douche Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:32268358 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: TKing. Naded in spawn and was warned next map naded twice two groups of players near spawn. Meant to 7 day ban but panicked so he wouldnt leave and hit Perm Demo Provided?: N, but Stone was there Comments: Howwww Lonnnnng???
  11. Happy Bday Yama
  12. I specced this guy a couple of days ago and I thought he was wallhacking two but I wasnt sure, I mean Im not experienced enough to tell. BUT I do have two demos if you guys need em.
  13. Name: Rhenquist Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:25416550 Reasons for the Ban: Twing after being warned not to. Recommended duration of ban: Up to you Demo Provided?: N, Bluzooka brought this to my attention.
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