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Luna 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Luna 1st MRB

  1. Rather was there....HOW LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG? Awesome night, I didnt know there was a donner winter map!
  2. Ive been trying to log into the pub and it says its running an older version of the game. And theres about 14 players in there...so Im guessing those guys havent updated DODs yet.
  3. Feliz CumpleaƱos cast
  4. Quarterman messaged me when I logged on to steam and I banned him for a week.
  5. Name:[Nihil] Nonameghost Steam I.D: Steam_0:0:39539327 Reasons for the Ban: Purposefully TKd with a rocket Chef Gumby outside of spawn then left server Recommended duration of ban: Up to MPS Demo Provided?: N, Branem and Gumby were there.
  6. Okay, what we really wanna know is how did the meetup with Parker go? Did he make you do rocket laps? Did you have to stand attention? Did you PTS?
  7. Yeah I am also gettin this error, after an update earlier today. I found a couple of suggestions to fix this online, but none of them have worked. Guess were gonna have to wait for Steam to fix this.
  8. Name: Cheezburger Steam I.D: Steam_0:0:19736697 Reasons for the Ban: TKd on purpose in spawn then left server. Recommended duration of ban: Up to MPs Demo Provided?: N, but Capt. Engle was there
  9. This is how I picture Grant when he plays DODS.
  10. Happy Bday Gio and Engle!
  11. Name:LEBI* 24/7 ^. Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:17163827 Reasons for the Ban: TKing along with others that got banned, this one left before I could get him. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N, Lalonde was there though.
  12. Just tried this out and it worked perfectly. Just ticked on the Do Nothing setting on Windows Sounds. Thanks alot!
  13. Name: Luna Rank: MSgt Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: Hi guys, I was hoping you can help me with something. About a month ago, I started noticing, that if Im playing music thru Winamp or listening to music on youtube once DODS starts to load a map, it will lower the volume on winamp/firefox. Its a bother to keep having to alt tab, opening my sound settings, and raising the volume on those programs to 100 again. Also after every map change, windows or dods lowers the volume again to like 30%. Is there any way I can put something in my config or steam to stop the game from doing this? I messed around with all the settings in Options in DODS but they don't fix this problem. Thanks for your time ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Bryant Supporting Technician:
  14. Happy Birthday to the both of youse.
  15. Wow....impressive video, good job.
  16. This was photoshopped.
  17. I had music on so not sure what the conversation was about, I believe Arsanault asked why he left/was kicked out of the MRB. Then after a while Vaxey typed in chat [whats below] So I perma banned him. Im trying to bring up my console in game but it wont let me, so I could Copy/Paste and get SteamID. So if I went too far I apologize. 2ndLt. V. Maxey [22NDPZD]: Sorry bout this guys 2ndLt. V. Maxey [22NDPZD: but 2ndLt. V. Maxey [22NDPZD]: fuck MRB members and all your shit for wrongfuly banning me and the 22NDPZD will win always from Ma *was able to make console work, copy pasted STEAM_0:1:4452306 Also, after this was typed, I was maneuvering the menus to ban, and I just saw this on my console: 2ndLt. V. Maxey [22NDPZD]: Thats not from me Soooo, its up to you guys what you wanna do.
  18. Luna#1863
  19. So I was watching this video on youtube of the history of the guns we use in the game, ally side. Check it out, very interesting.
  20. whats wrong with those cities?
  21. That's Racist!
  22. I was bored so I made this..
  23. Name: MrHubble Steam I.D:Steam_0:1:51155742 Reasons for the Ban:Multiple Team Wounds (1 week ban) Demo Provided?: n Comments: Quarterman asked for the ban. Just reporting this as we were told to. Name: LazerNinja Steam I.D: didnt catch it Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TKs. Requested by Ret. J. Turner. Demo Provided?: n Comments: 1 week ban
  24. I have noticed this happen to me as well. I usually suck at shooter games, well I still do, especially with all you crackshots on our server. But sometimes my brother-in-law will pull me into the servers he plays and I magically play better. I know its not magic, its just that the quality of player we have on our servers goes above the other servers. Thanks to all of you for helping me be a better player.
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