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Luna 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Luna 1st MRB

  1. Also posted this on MRBs facebook page..
  2. Wow Parker, that's rough man! Sorry you had to go thru all that. The good thing is that you're okay. Take care of yourself.
  3. I don't know too much about this stuff as some of the experts we got here, but would reskinning to Hi-Res skins on weapons help? I dont know if they have other hi res things, other than weapons.
  4. Thanks everyone, I appreciate your thoughts and Happy Bday to Bickford and Anderson!
  5. I laughed!
  6. Well Ive been playing this for a week and its pretty fun. I started with a m2 but then tried spg and im liking it alot. Currently using a T57 but almost ready to buy M37. Add me in game, the name's RazorPete. Only mrb guys i found were Major Yama, marsden and Pang.
  7. WTF is this?! Just listened to it for the first time....
  8. I wonder if the guys on the front row were wondering "Who left an open can of tuna out in the sun around here?"
  9. And you lose. Rules: 1. Talk only about THESE 2 WEAPONS 2. NEVER refer to any other model/varient. Guns go boom.
  10. Luna 1st MRB


    The first car I ever owned, given to me by my uncle right before he passed away. My favorite car Ive ever owned, had to sell it for something more family friendly..mine was this color, but lifted a litte more. Car I always wanted as a kid: What I actually drive now....meh.
  11. Just curious, has anyone got to the end game raiding yet or is it still too soon? And if so, how is it?
  12. In case you young'uns never saw Stripes....
  13. My personal favorite: This was This at the end of his run of the Richard Pryor Show. They decided to give Richard Pryor a roast. He's accompanied by alot of now famous comedians. John Witherspoon, Marsha Warfield (Roz from Night Court), Tim Reed, Paul Mooney, Johnathan Winters and Robin Williams and some I don't know who they are.
  14. Well it's true, I am an amatuer. I've never taken a Photoshop class or have any art skills. Just started messin with it one day on my own, have read a few tutorials that Goodwin and Dawson pointed me to and thats it. Probably why I am having such a hard time with the comic strip, cant draw for shit.
  15. Happy Birthday Ford!
  16. All you guys are missing the point, THEY ARE FIGHTING OVER MCDONALD'S FOOD!
  17. Yeah its set in that type of atmosphere, I have a level 23 Enforcer but with the talent changes from a few months ago, the respecs are kinda buggy, so Im gonna be playing my alt till it gets fixed. If you see Sloppy Sally in game, send me a tell.
  18. I bought this game over a year ago after I got bored with WOW during WoTLK expansion. It was pretty cool, set in apocalyptic earth, kind of a FPS MMO. It just wen t F2P and gonna go try it out again. Anyone else interested?
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