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Luna 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Luna 1st MRB

  1. The Capn' is outta breath at 1:08, hilarious.
  2. Happy Birthday Major!
  3. So I guess like someone said in practice today, PC won in the end?
  4. Death Bed: The Bed That Eats I have never seen it, but Patton Oswalt did a funny bit on it..check it out here!
  5. Here's my first submission:
  6. I asked Jones cuz I think theyre english and since Jones is english..he MUST know all things english! But thanks alot Berg, its a group i listened to as a kid but didnt know what happened to em.
  7. Happy Birthday Jones!!!
  8. Welcome back Franz, Theres a pending request of yours in Quartermasters Office, please check it and answer please. Thanks.
  9. Dammit Zahl....this picture caught me so off guard I just sprayed coffee all over my new keyboard... LOL im still laughing...this pic is so ridiculous...i love it.
  10. Hey Jones! Are these guys still around? I remember hangin in my friends garage in high school and he would play all this non mainstream rock and punk...Was lookin up old videos and youtube and ran across these guys.
  11. Damn when I saw this post I thought I was gonna see a Misfits video.... Well heres one anyway, lol...one of my favorite bands of all time.
  12. Legend's Interview..Epic. Keep it up guys!
  13. I don't know much about computers, but I used to use utorrent all the time, with the last update my computer started doin weird shit, so i just stopped using it, everything is fine. Not sure if you can use a new torrent program to pick up where utorrent left off. Also stupid suggestion, but, you do have enough space left on your HD right?
  14. Here in Mexico its pretty common to eat watermelon with salt, lime and chili powder. Its really good and the vendors are all over the place.
  15. At 9 EST theres Realism Practice for upcoming match, you might wanna move it up later.
  16. Happy Birfday Justin!
  17. Im gonna guess, Fashion Police.
  18. This pic is fake...I see...ARMS?!?!
  19. This reminds me of this...midgets FTW.
  20. I dunno Kaba....ARE you?
  21. Woohoo, Welcome Back Skip!!
  22. Well Skip, you're the reason I joined the 1st MRB. When I heard all the fun you guys were having in the pub, after owning the game for 3 days. I knew I didn't have to look any further. You bring a great attitude to the game. I think you would be good for the unit, just by having you around in pub. You keep order in pub without being heavy handed, you answer people's questions about what Realisming and our unit is about and you just bring more fun to the pub. We know you're busy with your career and personal life and won't be able to take on much responsibility in the goings on of the unit. But from a morale/recruitment point of view, I think you coming back would be a great asset to the unit.
  23. Happy Birthday Dawson!
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