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Luna 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Luna 1st MRB

  1. Not bad....now watch a master at work.
  2. User: Hey sugartits. Cleverbot: How are you going? User: Im not going anywhere shitbird. Cleverbot: Will you be going anywhere soon? User: Yeah, to your moms house. Cleverbot: My grandma still lives there, Frodo. User: Oh, then it will be a threesome. Cleverbot: Through the looking glass. User: No, thru your moms ass and grandmas toothless mouth. Cleverbot: Thru is not a word. User: According to Websters New World dictionary it is correct. When you look it up you get the alternative spelling, through and the same pronunciation. You do not get the list of meanings and uses, and examples that you get with the through spelling. In many circumstances, however, it is not an acceptable substitution for 'through.' The best way to classify 'thru' would be as an informal use of through, if not exactly incorrect. Cleverbot: Yes, really. User: Really, get your shit right. Cleverbot: Fine then how do you spell it? User: I just did numbnuts. T H R U. Cleverbot: How do you know such things? User: Google is a wonderful thing. Cleverbot: I just lost the game. User: That's right bitch.
  3. *fap* *fap* *fap* more pleeease.... *out breath.......* *fap*
  4. I didnt realize Phan and Le were such big Backstreet Boys fans...
  5. 2:06 then i stopped it before breaking my monitor
  6. Depends, when Im home (in Mexico) Tecate, when hangin with friends in San Diego, Ill usually drink some type of Lager, Foster's - Dos XX. And in restaurants I like to go for Sam Adams
  7. I laughed, I danced , I rubbed one out....and I still havent had breakfast yet. It's gonna be a busy day.
  8. LIke a Modern Day Dirty Dozen, cant wait to see it.
  9. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky dijon mustard sauce with an added smack on the tip of his penis head. Then, cramer decided to make Cayen lick the mustard off of the large blue, wet rock that Cramer just urinated all over. After licking the rock, McKenzie sprung at Zahl trying to t-bag him. Meanwhile in Metropolis...Superman jacked off in front of Parker's bedroom window
  10. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky dijon mustard sauce with an added smack on the tip of his penis head. Then, cramer decided to make Cayen lick the mustard off of the large blue, wet rock that Cramer just urinated all over. After licking the rock, McKenzie sprung at Zahl trying to t-bag him. Meanwhile in Metropolis...Superman jacked off
  11. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky dijon mustard sauce with an added smack on the tip of his penis head. Then, cramer decided to make Cayen lick the mustard off of the large blue, wet rock that Cramer just urinated all over. After licking the rock, McKenzie sprung at Zahl trying to t-bag him
  12. Too Late
  13. NSFW but SFW porn. In case you havent seen it XXX Clip - Diesel's SFW XXX Party Clip - Watch more Funny Videos
  14. This says it all
  15. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky
  16. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and
  17. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly
  18. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in
  19. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his
  20. Id be an Impala lowrider and call myself Lowco.
  21. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TKing in spawn,
  22. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the
  23. Hello Everyone, Not sure if theres a topic for this all ready. But I had an idea today in pub when some pubbers where asking to be added to Steam MRB Community. I thought they could post here then whenever an admin has a chance, they can be added so they know when we have open realisms.
  24. Harlan when I saw your Forum pic, FIRST THING that popped into my head, in a hearbeat was. "I dont think theyre taking me to Disneyland" and youre being taken to the Doctors to get shots. To me it seems like you have a apprehensive look.. "Heyyyy....wait a minute" Anyway Just my crazy head inventing things, mean no offense.
  25. Torta De Milanesa Baguette type bread. Layer of refried beans. Asadero Cheese (Melty white cheese kinda like Monterrey) Breaded Steak Lettuce Tomato Slices of JalapeƱo Mayo Avocado. This is the basic Milanesa torta, which rocks. But there are tons of variations, basically adding more shit on it.
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