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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Robbie Whayte *edit Hmmmm....
  2. Thanks for updating us with these changes. As always, it's a pleasure working with you and your unit. We look forward to scheduling future dates with you Respectfully, First Sergeant Renée Wells Public Affairs Liaison
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. When Parker's autobot defense actually worked in a unit realism kekeke. On a more serious note, my proudest moment was the first MRB newsletter. I'm very happy to see how successful it is and the unit's motivation to keep it strong after so many years.
  5. I like you better with the sniper.
  6. Name: FortuneSoul Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:3270904 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: N; Suspicious stats page, 100% headshots. Comments: Approved by Kirkendall
  7. Great read guys, keep up the great work!
  8. MVP WYATT!!!!
  9. I like Bastille too. Listen to this.
  10. Wyatt, did you download anything useful yet?
  11. I think you might have found Berg's instead.
  12. Racial hole stretchers was the spin off, and that did very well in Canada. Download Bejeweled III Deluxe. You'll find the ambient noises soothing while you zone out with gems....they are truly outrageous.
  13. #icecream
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. I tried to get through this show...not worth it! If you want something similar Vampire Diaries would be my suggestion. I'd then suggest you watch True Blood instead haha.
  17. Parker: So Wells are you taking up DND? Wells: No I gave it up for lent. Weatherdon: Wells you're JEWISH!?!?!
  18. I'm assuming that baby is Gooderham because I've never seen him get first blood.
  19. This is why you're still single.
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