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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. RRRRRRRRoooooxaannnnneeeeeeee. You don't have to put on the red light. RRRROOOXXXannneeeeee. You don't have to put on the red light!

  2. I pretty much laughed at everything. GG!
  3. Good! You thought I was a man anyway!

  4. Wells 1st MRB


    I figured I should also display some of Barry's artwork! He did all 3 above.
  5. Before he tells you goodbye?! *cries* I'll never let go, Willow!!

  6. did you just comment to me on your own profile?

  7. HAHAHA Cannon's is the best pic up there hahaha
  8. You can use mine from the picture thread, ascencio haha
  9. I'll play along...
  10. You wouldn't be able to win without me! And Kevin!

  11. Ew stop giving everyone herpes.

  12. Best strategy ever = going prone.

  13. Are you feeling better, my pet?

  14. Cannon: "Wells, what's that half fish half woman creature called?" Answer: Mermaid
  15. I played something similar to this as a custom game in WCIII. Loved it! Barry, you better not record me when I'm playing this!
  16. Happy Ending!
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