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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! You have a good TV voice!
  2. That's why I keep you around, Engle.
  3. I'm surprised more people didn't respond to this! I'm 27 and live in New Jersey (I wasn't embarrassed about that little fact until recently). I'm a social worker by trade and by heart; it calls to me from the years of care giving that my mother and I put into for my younger brother with autism. I recently graduated with my masters and hope to be working for the state soon. I work now at a group home as a residential therapist working with teenage girls who have a history of trauma. I joined this unit in April 2010 which was my first foray into any unit and DoD:S as well. Prior to retiring from the 1st back in May of last year, I reached 2ndLt as my highest rank. I've always been a gamer, it was something that I had to do to fit in around this house (with 4 brothers). Where's the rest of the unit!?
  4. hahahaaha it's like that friend that doesnt eat meat anymore!
  5. Call me crazy....but wouldn't most adults be mature enough to handle the fact that humans have needs? If you're afraid of other people mistaking your erection for arousal on their part...this is a different issue entirely.
  6. BAAAhahahaahah! Or maybe Parker can be your new chauffeur
  7. hey that's exactly what i see when i fall off the mountains in skyrim!
  8. Because it was so worth it!! ps - that was definitely more "floofier"
  9. I don't think you can put anything on merch that is from valve or steam since they're not directly selling it. Remember that people created the insignia's that we would use on merch. We're also representing an actual marine unit. This means we're replicating something and need permissions to advertise for it. I think it's still a good idea, but before anything happens more research is needed on this.
  10. I think the #1 comment on that page is "Worst bachelor party ever". Who pays to see that?
  11. Oh i thought this video was about your lack of SKILL in dods...didn't realize it was your reaction to it
  12. No one from the school was allowed to make any statements regarding this incident. The only thing I was told by a special education teacher in the district is that Jodi, the aide that you heard most of the time, was fired instantly and the other 2 aides and special education teacher were moved to other classrooms. Since then, the other two aides were fired, but the special education teacher continues on. So it appears we don't know how much the special education teacher knew or did not know, which is unfortunate considering she's in charge of the classroom.
  13. This is in Cherry Hill, NJ. The debate is, should the special education teacher who was not present in the classroom on the day this occurred, be penalized?
  14. haha consider rephrasing that to "I know how to make every entrance count", you woman! <3
  15. Are you laying low today? Nursing a hangover? What happened to all the funky hair!? Your fans DEMAND an explanation!
  16. , 80's
  17. Sounds like they did a unique take on Albert Camus' "The Plague".
  18. Now crumble them in a bowl and pour milk!!
  19. Great video! Saw some team wounding there Engle...tsk tsk
  20. I think that puts everything into perspective for me, thanks!
  21. This is basically saying "that bitch deserved to get raped for being where she shouldn't be". It might be just my wacky belief system, but I don't think victims should be punished. I'm sure if she had a magic ball to the future, events would have gone differently. I also think that if you were to be put in that situation, maybe you wouldn't be casting as many stones. That sounds like someone who has not had the misfortune of being ostracized. You weren't raped at West point, so how can you accuse anyone of what they should or should not have done? I think Gooderham put it succinctly by acknowledging the stigma that accompanies with any sort of trauma and a vulnerable population. If you think she should have done something differently, think about your earlier remark that she basically deserved it, what kind of support do you think she would receive when so many men probably thought the same thing you did?
  22. It sucks that your night didn't pan out the way you expected it to...but now that you're 21, you can choose any day of the week to party like it's your birthday ps - I'm fairly certain at any given time, at least 5 people in the unit would partake in some drunk gaming with you (myself included!)
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