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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. THat's how much Wingate missed you!! He's become a hateful creature since you've been gone! Return and bestow love's true kiss!!
  2. Yayyy!!
  3. beggars can't be choosers!
  4. Germany (22) United States (68) Norway (19) Japan (19) Mexico (10) Sweden (28) Australia (19) Denmark (18) Russia (19)
  5. hahaha awwwwwwwwwwww wow, adorable!! congrats again
  6. hahhah!!! where's Conners!? "pop up tits" ooohhh we've missed you robocop!
  7. RITCHEY!!!! you need to put up pics of your new addition!
  8. Dog Day Afternoon Heat
  9. Gooderham =
  10. +1...although c'mon Gooderham...you could've thought of something better
  11. Oh is that the Canadian version?
  12. I've seen this in action. Zahl taught Kirkendall first hand how to manipulate Garen....it was a sight that made grown men weep in awe of his glory. my tag = Dontknifeme
  13. Parker. Hands down.
  14. hahaha poor elf -
  15. Wells: *yelling in-game after dying* Zahl: You don't have to scream Wells: Yea Zahl like you're one to talk about screaming Zahl: I never raise my voice in video games ahahaha! Zahl: Kirk, Benson and myself have concluded that your perfect match would be Olha Kirk: Silly Norwegians. We should get Zahl and Olha to make weird noises together.
  16. I haven't gotten paid yet...
  17. you can't vote for 3 you retard! lol
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