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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. hey look! Hips in the larvae stage! woo! get me sum!
  2. I'm a little pissed off that Bejeweled isn't on here, Parker - this is discrimination! ps - DOOM FTW!
  3. Those swim trunks are so 80's. hawt. haha
  4. roach infested brussel sprouts that Engle's mom made when...
  5. Some of the CS had to retake BCT's and still maintain a problem getting that +KDR (CoughKEVINcough). If that's not enough to convince you, Engle has a dildo for every class in DoDs.
  6. wow thats awesome!
  7. LOL!!! did you draw that yourself???
  8. hahahahaha!!! Dawson's clearly been hanging out with the Right crowd.
  9. it Used to be yellow... :(

  10. Change your freakin forum picture - it's still a private...GAWD

  11. He wants to lick your butthole - i just heard it in vent

  12. No we do it like this....
  13. who buys used dildos? dildoes? *shrugs*

  14. I have to agree that punishment is needed - and certainly time out is pretty lame and nonconstructive. What I see happening now though is that kids are growing up with this lack if disrespect for more reasons than their behavior not being addressed at home. Think about when we Did respect our parents - we were also redirected in schools and in public. If a stranger or teacher so much as Thinks about reprimanding or touching a child in any way - kiss that job goodbye. It's this catch 22 that has parents caught struggling with the ethical question on how to raise their children. The opposite ends of the parenting spectrum is where we concentrate our attention, but those parents in the middle that use spanking in "moderation" don't make the news. I'll stop now before I actually do turn into a bleeding heart liberal XD
  15. The whole spanking "when used correctly" is what will always be argued because it's too subjective. Where's the line that states spanking in one instance was appropriate and when it is not? I think based on the information you've told me and hearing you interact with your children, Goodwin - I'd be the first online stranger to say "hey that guy is a good father". I personally think my father was a great dad - he taught me the extremely useful tool of just letting shit go. I might have gotten my ass beat, but I knew he saved me the best part of the steak for dinner later that night. Then he would continually tease me and needle me until I smiled. I think that there are way too many other issues involved with parenting that the whole spanking argument just doesn't touch such as what is the involvement of both parents, how the children typically behave, etc. I could keep going, but basically it's too tied up with societal issues. Who would've thought that spongebob and rugrats would be deemed inappropriate for children? There's so many more things for kids to have to actually decide which is right or wrong. Too many choices that kids are now forced to face at such a young age. I remember getting my first cell phone - I was 18! My cousin's kid just got one for Christmas, she's 8! But I digress...point being, I completely get why it happens and am not throwing stones - but just note that it does play it's impact
  16. Alright – I’m seeing the trend that spanking is “ok” and since we all grew up with it I can see why it’s justified. I don’t agree with any violence against children, or people in general. Spanking IS violence and our society does a great job at perpetuating this (i'm doing it right now by contributing to a forum based on a violent video game!) I’m not here to promote other forms of punishment because some options such as timeout (waste of time, kids don’t sit there and actually contemplate their actions) and trying to come up with concrete examples that children can actually understand is not easy for parents who need instant results. Do I think spanking is cruel and unusual punishment? No – what I don’t like about it is that it teaches kids early on in their life that physical pain is a good punishment for something they did “wrong”. Spanking is also not easily justified by saying “this is how we did it back the day” either since, obviously we’re not living in those times anymore. As the world modernizes, so should everything – why not punishment? Without delving into extremes – I’ll give you a personal example of exactly what I’m speaking to. As kids – we knew exactly what to expect when we got home after screwing up at school or at a friend’s house. To this damn day I still get nervous when I see my dad take his belt off. Knowing that spanking a child when they did something wrong led me to do the same thing to a student that I saw doing something wrong. Naturally I was utterly confused getting home only to get spanked for spanking someone else!! (As an aside – that was the last day my mom spanked me) but you see my point? Granted this doesn’t happen everywhere because CLEARLY not all children have my superior intellect haha. I know what really upset me as a child was seeing my dad beat my younger brother when he was newly diagnosed with autism and mental retardation – my brother had no idea why he was being beaten and to this day- he still strikes out physically and aggressively when he’s angry or thinks someone did something wrong that involved him because that’s exactly what he understands.
  17. Heather...you Are my friend. Gawd. Now get out the pink one.

  18. Granted - you get to write absurd cartoons of your parents consummating their marriage. I wish Kirkendall would find better hiding spots on Flash
  19. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwww
  20. Derrick Comedy on youtube - go check it out! Another personal favorite:
  21. You should probably click here.
  22. That doesn't take much, McDowell haha! <3
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