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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Engle: His voice is like penises falling from the sky Kirk: Falling from the sky? Engle: Yea…unless they grow from the ground like they do where you live Kirk: Well this is Iowa…we do grow them tall out here
  2. To sum up a feminist/gay conversation: Pvt. A. Bismarck ~ "I'd be gay too if it wasn't for the whole dick in the ass part"
  3. I guess Sarson's doesn't have to look for McDowell anymore
  4. Yea it's bad, because it's SEAN!
  5. So after all the awesome deals and a substantial portion of my Christmas work bonus going into steam - I can proudly say the only game I've successfully installed and played nonstop is Bejeweled. On a whim - I bought several puzzle games to entertain my family over the weekend. I wasn't aware of the addictiveness of playing this seemingly innocent, childlike game while on the phone until hours after the phone conversation had ended, dinner had been served and cleaned up and finally people were going to sleep in my house. Naturally all of those events were not good enough cues to end the monotony of Bejeweled. Beware
  6. you're just jealous cuz all i do is pick the hero that will steal kills the fastest

  7. HACKS! and i'm jealous - wtf. Cmon santa gogog
  8. awwwwww i felt that in my toes!~ Merry Christmas Hanny! Hope you have a great holiday with the boys! GET your ass back on more often - you are missssssed!
  9. I couldn't decide between Turner and Parker - Doran ftw.
  10. but i'm a real boy!!! Welcome back Skip!
  11. what the fuck is a minimap

  12. THanks Parker!!
  13. the farthest i've gotten is 2.7m...but it was in the wrong direction hahaa
  14. We talked about this - wrestling doesn't fall under this category! I have a rape whistle... does that count for anything?
  15. I think you are a great role model for new members and you were always policing the pub. That and cmon...we have to balance out the ages in this unit somehow <3
  16. America's next top dancers!
  17. because you touch yourself at night
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