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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Cannon's response: "that sounds unsanitary?"
  2. Dominated Royal today. (Ignore the Kirkendall nemesis!)
  3. When are you moving to NJ!?

  4. Tonight's platoon practice we'll be covering how to eat it like a man. Like O'Hare.
  5. Pffft I can do that
  6. I voted for Nyman. His work is incredible and also extremely hard to learn!!! If you haven't seen or heard him - go do so presently!
  7. ZAHLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (I can't post any images for you, they all involve porn)
  8. I definitely posted mine over 4 years ago!! But here's an updated one.
  9. I'm going to picture you like this the next time I hear you rage.
  10. Not much to do around here, I see!

  11. Good thing it wasn't the CN tower!
  12. Wells, is there a fetish that you like that you need to explain? Sexiest mask wearer poll - gogogo!
  13. Clearly batman wins this fight. Superman has alien powers, but batman has inhuman fighting tactics. He also wears a mask...that's fuckin hot.
  14. You probably have a lot on your mind, and we're all thinking of you. Happy birthday.
  15. Grundle Grabber gonna GETCHA!

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