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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. hahaha i'm glad it has impacted you life! Hope you guys are having a great time!

  2. Zahl's handling it...we can all rest easy now...
  3. i'm going to stalk the calender now, noob
  4. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. (i had to use a lifeline for that one) "When your child is born, is he already on parole?"
  5. hahahahaha
  6. *UPDATE!* We're up and running!!! Can I just say....wow? Especially to all the graphics I was missing in SC2???!?!!? i think i just fell in love with gaming all over again...*sigh*
  7. I was making a joke about his AGE, gooderham! GOD....i can't wait until your birthday you punkass
  8. hhahahahaahahah to both the granted and the wish. Collins- granted; instead you're immortal like your favorite vampire movie, but you don't get Kate-- you get Engle. I wish the draft would hurry up...hint hint....
  9. Granted. Say goodbye to the 1stMRB, lol. jk I wish Saturday would get here so I can put together my new computer!!!!!
  10. Granted...but now when you turn on your 360 you get naked pics of Engle I wish my car worked on itself!
  11. it requires 4 things...the 4th being motivation lol *edit I don't think rage worked the last 4 times...
  12. Down Periscope!! (i wouldn't have remembered that one had i not indulged in netflix last week haha) "I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death?" "You must know...he was your father"
  13. hahahah that song is going to be in my head all day now
  14. hahaha Grandma's boy! "Thank you. I mean... they might have the appearance of riches, but beneath the clothes, we find a man... and beneath the man we find... his... nucleus".
  15. 40 yr old virgin "Thats what I like about these high school girls; I keep getting older...they stay the same age"
  16. You're Fail Ollhoff, that's Apocalpyse Now for Ford.
  17. Anchorman! "if you don't chew big red, fuck you"
  18. Hopkins..."are you fucking retarded?" "do you want me to be fucking retarded?"
  19. 40yr old virgin "Paging Doctor Faggot"
  20. Even if Ford probably spent that time on his phone, Yama .. the rest of the time its transmitting in his pocket? he did say it was like a button on a fur coat, no?
  21. Ritchey. Hands down.
  22. I'm bleeding from the ears
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