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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. glad to see you doing something productive with your life gooder...
  2. I believe diversity is an old old wooden ship... Thats very original kevin...i don't think anyone would've pegged you for that lol
  3. I got my undergrad @ Temple U in Philly and now I'll be @ Rutgers for my masters in social work!! WOo!! (if psych is a major in sex-e-ness...does that mean soc work is a minor???)
  4. Stop raiding the birthday posts....stalker.
  5. hahahahahaah all he's missing is the thugged out sticker of authenticitAY
  6. Ford's.
  7. superhuman HAXXXXX!!!! www.getdota.com
  8. *CPDCCC
  9. I only dance for retired 1st Lt's. Sorry Dillon
  10. Its inherent when signing up with the 1st...That's been Yama's and Engle's experience so far.
  11. I'd like to know what order you'd do that in, Hopkins lol Kill.
  12. Is that a chess tournament? Kill (to bangggggggggg).
  13. Did you see that Wingate? All young black men join gangs. It's science.
  14. what the fuck were you doing watching pole vaulting zachow? fag.
  15. Weird that other guys do it too, Parker?
  16. Get back to work on the newsletter!
  17. 4:08:06 woot!
  18. G$, I hope you took some of that before lunch
  19. Where's Spear when you need him...
  20. Thats a blatant request to have that be my new spray. And while you're at it, make it my signature too <3
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