One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky dijon mustard sauce with an added smack on the