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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. hhahaahha G money i get to see that every night when i dream of you and parker
  2. I'm glad that your desktop is part of the future Luna. hahaah
  3. where's all the blinking steam messages lol
  4. Don't 4get the picture of your gf luna lol
  5. freedom fries?!
  6. Yes! good job engle
  7. My brother has autism too...

  8. hahah I mean its only a million dollars...probably can't afford the real thing
  9. bottle Zeus solo mid ftw.
  10. hahah I <3 funniest home videos....
  11. I would pay off my college loans. o and totally donate the rest to the MRB server...duh.
  12. Braveheart Mr. Holland's Opus War Gladiator Mystic River The Shawshank Redemption
  13. I woke up this morning and you, Zahl, were not there wtf
  14. haha thats baby makin music right there
  15. hhahaaha
  16. is that a tat on your arm?
  17. Alright when is wingate going to pop out at me???
  18. NO!! No. N-0. HON is a cheap knock off of DOTA! you should be BANNED for bringing this up!
  19. Are you sure nothing was stolen? lol ps. I love how you answered your own question in your topic/subtopic
  20. I think you should make a hate video out of your dislikes :P

  21. WHat I thought was funnier than your quote was your thought process directly after stating that..."ummm i didn't offend you did i...cuz i didn't mean your vagina...???" nice hahah
  22. haha where's your 'i hate' video Engle??? DO IT!
  23. hahah kinda reminds me of doom
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