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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. hahahahahaha!!!!! And it totally puts new meaning to Jasko's spray
  2. ahahaha and he asked me that too
  3. Name:Rec. S. Thadius [7th ID] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:19091893 Reasons for the Ban:Extremely Disrespectful and continued his behavior after being asked and told to stop. I typically do not have a problem with this; however his disrespect was above and beyond what anyone should have to put up with. Several MRB and BAR members were present. Recomended duration of ban: 4 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  4. Cowboys fans UNITE!!! <3333
  5. That's a great idea, i would love to be a part of this!
  6. *coughunitretardcough*
  7. You haven't even played DOTA! How dare you!
  9. phak i'm going to bed... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. Pwnz0rzzzz Watkis...we're awesome
  11. DOTA (182) W000000000000000!!!!
  12. COH (2) DOTA (180)
  13. COH (4) DOTA (178)
  14. COH (6) DOTA (176)
  15. COH (8) DOTA (174)
  16. COH (10) DOTA (172)
  17. COH (12) DOTA (170)
  18. COH (14) DOTA (168)
  19. COH (16) DOTA (166)
  20. COH (18) DOTA (164)
  21. COH (20) DOTA (162)
  22. COH (22) DOTA (160)
  23. COH (24) DOTA (158)
  24. COH (26) DOTA (156)
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