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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. I'm making up for your minions stealing from dota....fine... COH (77) Dota (103)
  2. and holding!
  3. COH (76) Dota (104) Its that time Collazo...
  4. COH (75) Bad Company (2) Dota (103)
  5. COH (74) Bad Company (3) Dota (103)
  6. COH (73) Bad Company (4) Dota (103)
  7. Simply Stunning.
  8. haha i bet you'd wear one of those lame shirts that say "i'm with stupid" and make her walk on that side...
  9. COH (72) Bad Company (5) Dota (103) Thank you Fray!! <3
  10. I'm with you on that one Clark--Jasko's spray ftw
  11. COH (72) Bad Company (7) Dota (101)
  12. COH (71) Bad Company (8) Dota (101) This is MAdness!
  13. COH (70) Bad Company (9) Dota (101)
  14. Happy Bdayyyyyyyy
  15. Yayyyyyyyy!!!
  16. COH (69) Bad Company (11) Dota (100)
  17. COH (68) Bad Company (12) Dota (100)
  18. COH (67) Bad Company (13) Dota (100) you guys are so mean!!
  19. Miller that montage was fantastic...
  20. COH (68) Bad Company (14) Dota (100) Where are my faithful?!!??
  21. COH (66) Bad Company (15) Dota (101)
  22. COH (65) Bad Company (16) Dota (101)
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