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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. I want to know why this question is being posed specifically for Janke!
  2. NO! Recheck that shit and start over with my last post! We're still here: COH (39) Bad Company (19) L4D (35) TF2 (12) Dota (77)
  3. Name:Ace Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:29635582 Reasons for the Ban: intentional TK Recomended duration of ban:2 wks Demo Provided?: N
  4. Go swallow a knife
  5. COH (39) Bad Company (19) L4D (35) TF2 (12) Dota (77) my bad my bad
  6. Pretty sure You spin me right round just made up for this song....
  7. COH (39) Bad Company (19) L4D (35) TF2 (14) Dota (77)
  8. Name:Pvt. Icefrog [69th ID] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:2676878 Reasons for the Ban:Intentional team wounding in spawn after several times being asked to stop. Kid thought it was funny... Recomended duration of ban:2 weeks Demo Provided?: Negative
  9. Name:Los!)Massaker|DREI| Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:13596636 Reasons for the Ban:Intentionally Tking Recomended duration of ban:1 month Demo Provided?: N
  10. shit I'd do some martial arts for pancakes too
  11. COH (36) Bad Company (19) L4D (34) TF2 (15) Dota (78)
  12. COH (34) Bad Company (19) L4D (34) TF2 (18) Dota (77)
  13. COH (34) Bad Company (19) L4D (34) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (1) Dota (76)
  14. COH (33) Bad Company (20) L4D (34) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (2) Dota (75)
  15. COH (32) Bad Company (20) L4D (34) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (4) Dota (74)
  16. COH (31) Bad Company (20) L4D (34) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (6) Dota (73)
  17. COH (30) Bad Company (20) L4D (33) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (9) Dota (72)
  18. What is this??
  19. COH (26) TrackMania (4) Bad Company (20) L4D (31) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (14) Dota (69)
  20. COH (25) TrackMania (5) Bad Company (20) L4D (31) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (14) Dota (67)
  21. COH (24) TrackMania (8) Bad Company (20) L4D (30) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (14) Dota (66)
  22. COH (23) TrackMania (10) Bad Company (20) L4D (29) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (14) Dota (66)
  23. COH (24) TrackMania (11) Bad Company (20) L4D (29) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (14) Dota (64)
  24. O noes...1/1 is doomed...
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