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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. COH (31) TrackMania (20) WoW (13) Bad Company (21) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (15) Dota (28) YAY!
  2. COH (31) TrackMania (20) WoW (16) Bad Company (21) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (26)
  3. Baby Seal killer!!
  4. +1; completely agree. I loved Mitch Hedburg and I really like Dennis Leary and Lewis Black
  5. COH (32) TrackMania (20) WoW (17) Bad Company (20) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (25) There! You hater!
  6. COH (31) TrackMania (20) WoW (18) Bad Company (20) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (25)
  7. COH (31) TrackMania (20) WoW (18) Bad Company (20) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (25)
  8. COH (31) TrackMania (20) WoW (18) Bad Company (20) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (25) <33 Watkis
  9. COH (32) TrackMania (20) WoW (18) Bad Company (20) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (24)
  10. simply stunning.
  11. PART TIME STRIPPERRRRRR w00t!!! ya baby

  12. I'd have to agree that global intelligence hasn't caught up with the upgrades in technology; however, govt wasn't as big during radio trials as it is now. They make car radios easier to handle as well, which has decreased the amount of deaths secondary to fiddling with said radio. They've also included voice calling in vehicles making it easier to talk hands free as well. I do think its funny that texting is taking a lot of heat because I'm sure there's plenty of GPS users who are doing the same thing. Anything that requires taking your attention from the act of driving will increase accident risk; even the act of viewing your side mirrors takes away attention to what is in front you.. I think the problem with enacting no texting laws is its effectiveness. You have to be caught doing this to get in trouble; what is needed is prevention. Then we open a whole new can of worms with how to prevent this happening. I know my GPS won't let me navigate to another area if the car is still moving, but what if I'm not the one driving? Ok thats my two cents.
  13. COH (33) TrackMania (21) WoW (18) Bad Company (20) L4D (17) TF2 (17) Sol Survivor (19) Eve (14) Dota (22)
  14. # 377 "dudesindresses376" STEAM_0:1:25186549 02:13 130 0 active Excessive team killing after being informed of FF server; most were in spawn.
  16. did you get a warranty on that bad boy?
  17. I'm eating cake ^^ Go research the whitest kids you know on youtube.
  18. Happy Birthday You Camping Birthday Buddy! (and thats tomorrow, FYI)
  19. hahahaah thats exactly what i've been using Engle *rolls eyes*
  20. THanks ladies <3
  21. Have you guys been living under a rock???? Pandora has been around for years! ps. there's a 40 hour limit per month so make a few accounts
  22. whats that 81??
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