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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. You just witnessed the empowering process of self motivation and success. Quiet you.
  2. hahahaha nice ray
  3. a bad Steven Seagal movie (as if there were any good ones). But going back to the hobo fight which started when...
  4. He was probably surprised after reading the directions on his dildo...Shoe polish...is that what they're calling it these days?
  5. I'm sure a tech staff member can help you out with that one
  6. why do i keep watching this?
  7. dildo which Engle seemed to enjoy...almost as much as he enjoys...
  8. +1 Business students... *rolls eyes*
  9. United States (187) Norway (24)
  10. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA omggggggggg "she said she figured i haven't been eating right without a woman around. I didn't know what she meant until later, but thats besides the point" lmaoooooooooo
  11. United States (179) Norway (34)
  12. a picture of engle on it in his favorite...
  13. Granted...but your one day acrued a grand total of $354,768,589,000.69 in taxes. Do not pass go. I wish our government actually made sense...
  14. United States (176) Norway (37)
  15. gee ford...i even voted for you in the poll; this nonsense makes me rethink my vote
  16. oooooooooo journey, how are they in concert???
  17. I know everyone's not a country fan.... But Carrie Underwood was pretty good, a little full of herself but i guess all american idol stars are. I saw dane cook live too...before he sold out to the media. he was flippin awesome.... ps--mamora,your mind is the right place with that cowboys icon. Go dallas.
  18. YAY! Lets celebrate the day you were expelled from your mothers uterus!!! yay!!!

  19. can't believe engle isn't up here
  20. United States (167) Norway (46)
  21. United States (163) Norway (50)
  22. United States (161) Norway (52)
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