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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. On the positive side....you're getting an MSW woooo!!!!
  2. LOL!!!!! Give that man something to do!
  3. That's what happens when you participate in drunk realism night!
  4. Wine is also white...and sometimes pink...just sayin!

  5. Pretty neat stuff Do you think the magazine's company would still have record of that article? Maybe you can somehow get the missing part.
  6. It smells like Jersey every time I visit your page. That's why Sky and I like coming here!

  7. I just spent 10 mins waiting for my signatures to show up in your album.

  8. Wow when was this printed, Lennings?
  9. Although the command staff would agree with a permanent ban request, we do not impose permanent bans for team wounding or team killing without following the appropriate steps located in the Raider Handbook. In the future, remember to warn, kick and then ban. You can request a more severe ban as needed.
  10. Praise Him!
  11. Banned for 1 week.
  12. I dont get it, ma'am... Haven't you ever seen black rocks before?
  13. Wells 1st MRB


    There's always an asshole in kevlar....nice rock.
  14. Wow...making fun of Quarterman because he's only 1/4 of a man... that's low!

  15. Wow...I have now gone bravely where no woman has gone before!!! :)

  16. Let's build a snowhorse!

  17. who-who's hahahaha! ps - I love poutine
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