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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. EL OH EL!!!! I never heard this one before!
  2. LOL!
  3. Too funny! There's always an air show right at the AFB every year in May near my house, so much fun!
  4. I need a hug now!
  5. You're supposed to look at his crotch, Willow haha
  6. CWO. K. Quarterman [1st MRB]: GROSS 1stLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: stop looking at your penis 1stLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: you're supposed to be gaming CWO. K. Quarterman [1st MRB]: My dick is a penis CWO. K. Quarterman [1st MRB]: I mean game CWO. K. Quarterman [1st MRB]: FUCK
  7. Lmao!
  8. The google searches for Bin Laden is pretty funny.
  9. Hahaha one of his better defense plans. My favorite is his autobots defense.
  10. According to Ford, only the shambling, slow moving zombies exist so you would just run them over with the Jeep.
  11. LMAOO!!!! I Forgot about this!!!
  12. That is freakin adorable. So he's going to the wall?
  13. Tampon flasks. Really? The "you suck at parking" business card is funny.

  15. Our new rising realism star.... (Brenton = Dont Taze Me)
  16. Hahaha. RIP wonderful open realism memories!!! <33
  17. I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, that much is true. But even then I knew I'd find a much better place. Even with or without you,

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