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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Topic Closed. This thread escalated into flaming instead of intelligent banter.
  2. There's no way this wouldn't go to the supreme court. That's the most absurd thing I've read in a long time. How is it possible that any tax payer paying for those services could be profiled and refused services under the assumption of their sexual preference? I wonder if this bill also allows atheists to be fired too? I really thought this was an early April Fools joke. Gay people should pull together and sue the state. That's a Federal law that none can be discriminated against by sexual orientation.
  3. I made this at work for Valentine's Day too! And by made, I mean I made myself Google a gif with hearts. Happy Valentine's Day, Raiders!
  4. Granted, but your unicorn tries to stab you every time you talk about it and eventually kills you and everyone who knows about it. The secret dies with you. I wish the US government would forgive all student loans.
  5. This is going to turn into myspace. I WANT TO BE UNDER GOOD BUDDIES!
  6. Granted, your family then denounce you for your lack of contributions and you never get that bump looked at which turned out to be Herpes. I wish Gooderham didn't have Herpes.
  7. Granted, but then the French language becomes more dominant than English and you were the only one left speaking English. I wish for no more snow this winter.
  8. If you enjoyed House of Cards, you might also like The Good Wife. I enjoyed watching Vikings, Sparticus and American Horror Story
  9. I thought they were used to spinning because they grew up in puppy mills.
  10. I learned you need some practice with the garand from this video!
  11. I'm not certain how to do that without dying, but I'd highly recommend dispensing alcohol prior to these stunts, Swartz!
  12. This is your best yet - your fans want more! #massproduction
  13. Public perception of addicts is often times inaccurate. The majority of people who are chemically dependent whether on alcohol or drugs are functional individuals. He very much needed those drugs to function on set and make big decisions in his life.
  14. "I should join the 1st" haha!
  15. I bet you posted this intentionally before the fire team match Now you better live up to your video. #sweetmoves
  16. How about some drywall? I'd want it in my house... *Edit I have it in my house.
  17. Yeap...pretty sure you just summed up America right there.
  18. I left my own super bowl party...what a waste of a game. I'm also fairly certain my family was getting way too frustrated with my "oh you guys have to see this commercial it's so funny". I can thank Parker & Kirkendall for all my wonderful Superbowl ad awareness.
  19. I'm showing this at my job...I'll let you know if work productivity increases.
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