I did not interpret Hall's opinion as him paralleling homosexuality with pedophilia. It sounded as though he was using examples to make a point that different words are used for different unions. Pedophilia isn't a union between two people because it's against a child's will, this is known in Western culture. In some cultures however, there are instances where underage unions occur and they aren't necessarily called (or in Hall's case) should not be called marriage. It sounds like he's saying civil unions are a good term for same sex marriage if they offer the same amount of "equality" that marriage has.
I'd also like to add that marriage itself changes throughout our history and today is not the iron bound contract it used to be. As it modernizes with society, the word marriage and its defining attributes change with each generation. Just something to think about!
That was very well said! I'm curious to know if you have a strong religious background? And I have to say, any support towards any minority will help with a movement pushing towards equality. Recognition in itself will help with the LGBT population. With that said, I won't hold my breath for any minority to receive equal rights in this country (but I'll continue supporting it).
I'd say Yes! Getting married doesn't really influence stigma that's already in place so why the hell not!
That's an interesting phrase. I'm wondering if you meant that the 'money-grubbing girlfriend' was your brother's catalyst for being gay?
There once was a man, who lived in Japan and he had never been outside. Too much room, he thought. So he decided to go to his garage, there he found a sledgehammer. He stared at it for a while. He took it and threw it towards the sky screaming, "I
Name: Wudus Melth
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:58489012
Duration of Ban: Perm
Reasons for the Ban: Team killed multiple times and was kicked. Re-entered server and team wounded multiple times after being warned upon re-entering. Team killed again after the warning.
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