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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Thanks to raiders who read this newsletter! The support is very appreciated. Also - Thanks to you guys who helped beef up that newsletter! It looks fanfuckingtastic!! Great job, ladies!
  2. Don't they teach kids these things!? The "PULLOUT" method is a myth. Since you're all so candid about your sex life, lets be candid about how babies are made. Sperm. Sperm continually comes out of the penis throughout sex, not just at ejaculation. ALSO (since I'm feeling generous) another myth, girls CAN get pregnant while they're HAVING their period. Stick both of those in your front pocket, because they don't belong in the back pocket with your old, unused condom. PS - Plan B is just a dose of the birth control pill. There's nothing magical about it. Also - it can take up to a week for your sperm to travel all the way to her egg. So have fun sweating that one out.
  3. I'm here! Albiet stranded at work. They found sharks in peoples yards I thought that was petty neat. My nursing home has been bustling with activity since we're taking evacuees from the shore. No power for Weeks. My family is on well water, gg! No gaming for awhile . That is all!
  4. I felt like i was there with him, in the super powerful power hoose storm!
  5. I know right!? I would totally rape those penguins!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. So in Trenton, NJ we can have unlimited candidates running for mayor. I think what Gio is trying to say is that we expand Trenton to include the nation. All kidding aside, Obama had my vote the first run. He has lost my vote with his inability to fix issues that pose threats to our future. I miss Bill Clinton. *edit: *points finger up* +1, Ford.
  8. If there's something you guys want to see more of, or you have some suggestions... YOU CAN POST HERE Great job, team!
  9. I call Kirkendall.
  10. Happy Birthday Mams!~!!
  11. Let it be known, Kirk only bought this game because the whisper of "sniper" was heard down wind. I like how they incorporated the vault hunters from BL1! Get you one!
  12. I will back this up only because it was amazing and we were definitely losing that game until that point. "When it feels right" haha your spidey senses haven't tingled like that since!
  13. Max out E and W first - E is more important. Need Q at 4 and level that up last. Need armor pages and start with cloth + pots. Start at wolves and then go to blue (you need hard leashes for both or you're going to use up all your pots). Go gank top and mid Asap. Build cloth into madred rzr. I usually sell this late game, but you can build her as AD and she's still very useful. I build her AP heavy with lots of HP. You might want to lane top for awhile if you get invaded or your team messes up the leash. Good luck!
  14. You should try jungle lux, she's actually legit!
  15. I know a few lee sin games that went down in history for being down right gruesome...I don't think it was because he was blind, I think it was because Kirk tried to jungle. And yes- that's jungle fiddle!!!
  16. Those are all people who would lie for you!
  17. nobody plays this anymore.
  18. Don't be lookin at mah profile like you know me!

  19. I put a basket on his head!
  20. Name: Tagnik JiuJitsu Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:6998647 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban:Multiple team killing after two warnings. Demo Provided?: N Comments: N/A
  21. Name: tranny butthole licker Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:20635562 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban:Multiple team killing after two warnings. Demo Provided?: N Comments: N/A
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