This is basically saying "that bitch deserved to get raped for being where she shouldn't be". It might be just my wacky belief system, but I don't think victims should be punished. I'm sure if she had a magic ball to the future, events would have gone differently. I also think that if you were to be put in that situation, maybe you wouldn't be casting as many stones.
That sounds like someone who has not had the misfortune of being ostracized. You weren't raped at West point, so how can you accuse anyone of what they should or should not have done? I think Gooderham put it succinctly by acknowledging the stigma that accompanies with any sort of trauma and a vulnerable population. If you think she should have done something differently, think about your earlier remark that she basically deserved it, what kind of support do you think she would receive when so many men probably thought the same thing you did?