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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Wells 1st MRB


  2. Wells 1st MRB


  3. Awwww....at least Parker tried...
  5. I want to see the picture where you're dropping the dumb bell on your spotter!
  7. It takes a real mad to be retarded, Zahl...or a Swedish porn star...
  8. Does that mean that Remedy's straight? (INSIDE JOKE - PARKER WILL GET THIS RIGHT AWAY) haahaha <3
  9. can you imagine what the life would look like 40 years from now?
  10. Stop holding your groin and come play LoL

  11. I corrected your post. Good luck with exams Cayen
  12. Just to give an update - the audio fried on the motherboard. ....since I'll be waiting awhile for a new motherboard, any suggestions on sound cards? What's good for medium-high quality?
  13. haha well done, Parker
  14. I don't think I've ever seen a dude get excited about my avatar like that. Is that sinful?
  15. Do you always talk about yourself in the 3rd person? lol
  16. Heather your gameme stats are declining...YOU NEED TO COME BACK!

  17. *BUMP* That is all <3
  18. Remedy lives in Ollhoff's basement...das Ollhoffs...jah! Maybe she's one of the kids you always hear screaming in the background.
  19. I put my balls back up for you

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