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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. hahah +1 I love Auntie Anne's!! How many times do we have this thread?

  3. Engle: That's like the smartest cat I've ever seen Engle: Then again he does have a hand up his ass Yama: I don't think that's how it works, Engle
  4. I always have time for the unit retard... Good song tho!!
  5. Someone's lookin for a promo
  6. There is ALWAYS something you can do. With that said, thanks for the continued support raiders!!
  7. Oh good, then you can get your lazy ass on the newsletter team and be productive, Hastings!
  8. I better not hear any kitchen jokes, hastings!
  9. It's a parody on parody, Gooderham...Gawd *rolls eyes*
  10. omg did someone say league of legends?!
  11. Kevin...maybe you shouldn't send wingate any gg messages....ever.
  12. We're going remedy. You can be on point! kekeke
  13. Following with Parker's famous realism plans.... Autobots....roll out!!!
  14. be prepared to get naked when you're getting to the top haha
  15. Captain's Log: It appears the noob infestation has worsened of late...I have doubts that our crew will survive to see a Divine Rapier. First to build = gg! pwnage!

  16. That's Mutinous!!! I like it!

  17. How about you wear some fucking sunscreen then, eh?
  18. Why don't you punch yourself in the nutsack?
  19. Unless your responsibility is to respond to unban requests, do NOT post. The command staff will review your request, mkayy.
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