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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. LOL you know Zahl's going through his files and thinking "copyright infringement"
  2. is this what the matrix hides from us?
  3. OMGGGG CLean your plate! Brush twice to be sure!!!! hahaah!!!!
  4. put some more effort into your sig...god. then do the dishes.

  5. And Canadian...
  6. Does your town have an unusual amount of nonexistent babies?
  7. I had the same problem Brewer...we're just too cool for this contraption.
  8. ohh marsan you badass

  9. sometimes I wonder about you Allen Ford...
  10. you commented yourself hahah what a loser

  11. hahahaha at least somebody told him to stop running around towards the end. Someone give that guy a gold star.
  12. hahahahaahahahah wowwwwwwwww She should've went with being a 10yr old boy....it never fails
  13. Marsan just jacked it to your post Ford
  14. youuuuuu'llllllll shoooooottt your eyeeeee out!
  15. I took that extra time to learn how to spell.
  16. i have nightmares of you and your knife.

  17. Thats Marsan
  18. Zahl how do you think your wife was conceived?
  19. shhh haha i don't know why that double posted. And its just a little bit more than last time!
  20. I die a little inside every time I see another thread on LoL I die a little inside every time I see another thread on LoL
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