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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday G$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!
  2. That's the difference with this marketing. Where do cigs go? In your mouth...where do fake cigs go? ...you guessed it...(no not in Engle's ass...) Now lets do this exercise with cocaine vs blow (the sports powder...) See the difference? Advertising may be directed towards a younger age group, but at least its for a sports drink instead of saying "try snorting this fake blow and not get any effects other than bad sinus infections for 2 months..." I agree with Ford, if kids try to snort this crap it'll probably be more of a deterent than anything else to actually lead to cocaine use. I do wonder what the impact of this will be in schools though PS. Parker, you're going to have to specify which kid youre speculating on since there will be 8.
  3. I didn't read anything about apples
  4. Sounds like a disney movie in the making...
  5. O ford you're so badass *swoons* i mean...*ring ring*....*heavy breathing*
  6. I think that'll make some money just because of it's name and the container alone. I bet 1/3 of kids that buy that wouldn't even use it as an energy drink, they'd just carry it around and try to act badass in school. Probably something Ford would've done. +1 for creative marketing
  7. hhahaahah I was more impressed with Engle's bell ringing abilities...that was pr0
  8. Rhode Island?? That state still exists?? woaaaaa :)

  9. One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky dijon mustard sauce with an added smack on the
  10. Tanquerayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

  11. If i write a check will you come here and make that for me???
  12. with strawberries and
  13. Granted, now you have too much gas in your car and you slowly drown while watching gas seep into your car. I wish the 6 flags would stop using the old guy in the tux to adveritise
  14. nine inch nails
  15. Bwahahhahahahahaahahah!!!! I didn't say your name...but there were treasures inside hahah i <3 those commercials!
  16. LOL!!! thats awesome. ANd i LIke Thursday!
  17. Granted...but your grammar still sucks ass. I'm pretty sure your cognitive ability decreased to a 1st grade level and you mistook your brand new MLG headset for oreos when you dunked it in milk. I wish the state would call and tell me they'd like to pay me more and have better benefits if I work for them!
  18. I'm going to tone that down a notch and recommend...Ashes to Autumn because A: they're pretty damn good and B: They're a Jersey band
  19. Alice in Chains: Nutshell Here comes the rooster Candlebox: Far behind Oasis: Wonderwall Foofighters: My Hero Hootie & the blowfish: Let her cry Puddle of mudd: Blurry
  20. hahahahahahahahaha Ritchey your obsession with the cpt picard pix is ridic hahahaha
  21. Parker and WTF? are tied....i'm pretty sure that's the same thing...wtf
  22. Wells 1st MRB

    The Park

    I can imagine how the dude that got fired to mow the lawn feels... and you thought you had it bad!! and everyone knows that you just blow ur money at the slots or else you'd have money to pay for gas lol
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