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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. I changed my spray! Its an even better picture of parker. You never knew Gmoney was so hawt til you saw this pic...i'm tellin ya

  2. COH (125) DOTA (57)
  3. Hurry up already gio!
  4. omg you would say nething was the nectar of gods
  5. I think the problem lies more in the enforcement of the law than actually making the law. This isn't something new that's happening, it's just media finding someone else to blame for the decline in humanity.
  6. bleh v8 is terrible. I would take a shirley temple any day tho! (cmon who didn't have those as a kid???) gingerale, oj and grenadine
  7. Goddamn. Is it sad that the last time we drank was last weekend in the pub???? haha
  8. Sailor Jerry...(thanks Ford!) Cpt Morgan Vodka Tequila And i bought this for Parker...Mulson Canadian
  9. You need a better hobby, Collazo
  11. Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyy!!!
  12. My dad worked for P&G, which produced Tang and Hawaiian Punch and cases of this were constantly in our home. As a kid we used to bring that crap to school daily. I'm sure I have residual problems from the sugar overload haha
  13. Naughty Naughty Koolaid.... Does anyone drink Tang anymore?? Or Boost/Drink-a-toast?
  14. This word is copyrighted 2010 by Benjamin Parker and brought to you by The Canadian Parker's Dictionary of Canada's Canadians of Canada (CPDCCC).
  15. I'm laughing hysterically at your avatar this very moment

  16. COH (102) DOTA (78) KIDDING COLLAZO!!! COH (116) DOTA (66)
  17. Get out your little umbrellas ladies... It's rum, cranbury juice and pineapple juice time! Rum and oj isnt bad either...unless it goes into your laptop...
  18. COH (115) DOTA (67)
  19. COH (110) DOTA (72) Watkis we'll have to wait until Collazo goes to sleep and then we'll rush COH!
  20. COH (110) DOTA (72)
  21. COH (110) DOTA (72) Fray I missed you!!
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