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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. COH (112) DOTA (70)
  2. COH (111) Dota (71) Where were you when Collazo paid off turtle to sabotage dota???
  3. COH (112) Dota (70) Keep the dream alive, Watkis!
  4. Granted. Now please send that money back to your mom because she worked herself hard to earn it. I wish Disney would cancel the next Pirates sequel...
  5. Granted. Its frozen and buried underneath the artic. Here's a shovel and a hotdog...have at it. I wish Team Fortress 2 would stop getting updated....
  6. Yes yama lol. It plays daily in my house and it's overly annoying.
  7. LOL!!!
  8. No, Alvin and the chipmunks have taken this song and gave the world a new reason to punch babies. If you haven't heard this, save yourself the pain and degradation while you still can.... ps. Its CLARK we're talking about Yama...cmon!
  9. 2 guys 1 apple
  10. I'm pretty sure he can do both
  11. pwned. cpdccc ftw.
  12. this was so anticlimactic....
  13. Zahl....how many times did you watch this...and was it the inspiration behind the last realism?
  14. i still didn't see how to buy a squirrel
  15. Clark don't ever quote alvin and the chipmunks ever again.
  16. hahah C'mon Collins! Nobody survives the fiery swamp! ROUS's!
  17. I'm glad you found the funk...

  18. Did you see that? The Major said awesomesauce; therefore, it must be better than anything Mamora says.
  19. hahaahah!! O Wesley Darling!!
  20. Clearly that list starts from the bottom. Get killing floor.
  21. Good call. Dread pirate roberts
  22. lol you better invest in some better hacks...maybe yours aren't working anymore
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