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Wells 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wells 1st MRB

  1. OMg Frank's red hot..."I put that shit on everything" red sauce Fairies vs Lawn Gnomes...Wingate is not allowed to answer this lol
  2. Pens...and you know you wanna be that guy that has the entire pack in his left breast pocket... Adam Sandler vs Will Ferrell
  3. COH (25) TrackMania (12) Bad Company (20) L4D (28) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (15) Dota (62)
  4. COH (27) TrackMania (12) Bad Company (21) L4D (26) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (59)
  5. COH (26) TrackMania (13) Bad Company (21) L4D (25) TF2 (19) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (59) o its on...
  6. COH (26) TrackMania (14) Bad Company (21) L4D (25) TF2 (18) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (59)
  7. COH (25) TrackMania (15) Bad Company (21) L4D (25) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (57)
  8. MCDOWELLLLLLLLL!!! (because he camps) Engle vs. Collins uber lag
  9. I win.
  10. large balloon animal in the shape of a....
  11. you would...
  12. COH (25) TrackMania (17) Bad Company (21) L4D (25) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (55)
  13. COH (25) TrackMania (19) Bad Company (21) L4D (25) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Dota (53) Nice teamwork.
  14. Whats the status on this?? Is it 5 yet?? Where's Worsham!?
  15. COH (24) TrackMania (20) Bad Company (21) L4D (24) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Eve (4) Dota (51) done and done...
  16. COH (24) TrackMania (20) Bad Company (21) L4D (23) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Eve (6) Dota (50)
  17. COH (24) TrackMania (20) Bad Company (21) L4D (22) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Eve (8) Dota (49)
  18. what happens in band camp, stays in band camp.
  19. hahahaahahaha Its got real bits of panther in it...so you know its good
  20. you never touch!!!! haha wow you know you've done that
  21. I miss the bruce campbell old spice commercials...
  22. COH (24) TrackMania (20) Bad Company (21) L4D (21) TF2 (20) Sol Survivor (17) Eve (11) Dota (47) McCaskill (98) Jesus (2) nothin personal...<3
  23. puh-leez, half the unit has already seen it...its not even special anymore !!!
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