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About Morton

  • Birthday 02/12/1990

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    I enjoy playing DoD:S of course. I am a History major with a minor in Political Science. I enjoy life and my job.

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  1. I'll take the sims 3 if no one else wants it.
  2. Wow. just wow. That is a Intentionally ridiculous statement right there. Fixed it. And yes Manning did expose warcrimes. Unless you don't count the murder of innocent civilians, and the torturing and abuse of prisoners as warcrimes. Agreed.
  3. Exposing war crimes is obviously treason guys. He should be executed. Honestly he did the right thing in the wrong way. He should've gone the legal route, but however he chose to do it his way. I think he should be let off with time served. As for Benghazi... that horse has been beaten enough already.
  4. Ah yes the Battle of Rockford. It was a little known battle since it was a Waffen-SS commando raid to try to hit the labs at the University of Chicago that were working on the A-Bomb. They were defeated by the 1337th Infantry that was guarding the University.
  5. I was born a right handed man, until I broke my hand and arm and had to learn how to be a lefty. I still use my left for the majority of things, except to write. I hate writing with my left, it feels so unnatural. Plus you run you hand through the still wet ink unless you write really slow. And nobody's got time for that. Other than writing I usually play with PC games with my right, for simplicity.
  6. Indeed it does sir, indeed it does.
  7. That was some funny ass shit. Gonna watch it again after I smoke a bowl and see if it gets better.
  8. I like my maple syrup with lots of high fructose corn syrup. Lots and lots and lots of corn syrup. In fact, you can leave out the 100% real maple, I'm good with artificial flavoring. That is too sweet as well. I don't like syrup I guess.
  9. I always put it down and close the lid to reduce spray, because seriously who wants toilet water flying everywhere, and getting on your toothbrush... Nasty. What I don't understand is women who say then want men to put it down because they will fall in. That confused the hell out of me. Like are they saying they just blindly sit with out looking? I've never just walked in and blindly pissed on the lid.
  10. No Arsenault, I just hold a realistic view on women. It comes from seeing woman as people. (Ah see what I did there, I insulted you subtlety. Just like you did in your post.) Also got to admit I hate maple syrup, it is too sweet. I hate pretty much anything that is too sweet to be honest so it isn't Canada's fault. So your syrup has no power over me.
  11. Also Reasons to visit Canada: 1. To get some poutine. Edit: Poutine is fries covered in gravy and topped with cheese. Sounds awesome. So I revised the list. However I think instead of brown gravy, substitute country gravy. I'm going to try this friday, or saturday.
  12. Is poutine the mayo on the french fries, if so you can keep it.
  13. They didn't seem that fat to me bro, the blonde in the front passenger seat was a bit chubby, but not fat. As for the rest I agree. These look like Americans. Stupid Americans, especially since they are excited to visit Canada, but still Americans. Also Armstrong, 2/4 (being generous for sake of argument) is 50%, not >50%, so your first fact was wrong... wait doesn't Canada use the metric system, is 50% Canadian the same as 50% American...? Why would one be excited to visit canada ? Exactly, which is why I said stupid Americans.
  14. Check the oil and post back what it is at. There is a possibility your engine has seized up. Also make sure you refill the headlight fluid every 6 months. You don't want them to overheat.
  15. They didn't seem that fat to me bro, the blonde in the front passenger seat was a bit chubby, but not fat. As for the rest I agree. These look like Americans. Stupid Americans, especially since they are excited to visit Canada, but still Americans. Also Armstrong, 2/4 (being generous for sake of argument) is 50%, not >50%, so your first fact was wrong... wait doesn't Canada use the metric system, is 50% Canadian the same as 50% American...?
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