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Everything posted by Morton
Your right about the revolution Peaker. If the common citizens where to raise up, even with our Assault Rifles and machine guns (to stretch it further) we would get owned pretty damn hard. The Government isn't going to be concerned by a group of civies, not when they have the military to back them up. It would be decided by which way the National Guard and Active forces go.
I'm not sure where your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is coming from, that only well-regulated militias have the right to bear arms. In fact, that goes directly against the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller 554 U.S. 570 (2008). It's fine to dissent with the Court's opinion, but that was the Court's decision. Yeah I removed that post before you posted since I didn't want to argue about this yet again, but since the cat is out of the bag, might as well. When the Constitution was written the same firearm you use to hunt was also the same firearm you would most likely use when you where called up to serve in your militia. Which made sense. In today's world we have weapons capable of putting out more firepower then an entire regiment could back in the late 1700's. Which isn't hard considering that a very experienced soldier could at best put out 4 shots per minute. There was no way the Framers could have foreseen that one day there would be weapons like this, and because of this they wrote about the weapons of the time. Now the Second Amendment mentions a "Well Regulated Militia" and while DC v. Heller did have a majority that said it doesn't actually mean a militia, there was disagreement, From Justice Stevens "The Amendment's text does justify a different limitation: the "right to keep and bear arms" protects only a right to possess and use firearms in connection with service in a state-organized militia. Had the Framers wished to expand the meaning of the phrase "bear arms" to encompass civilian possession and use, they could have done so by the addition of phrases such as "for the defense of themselves"" Which again makes sense since the very text mentions a militia. Which the Dick Act of 1903 made all militias into National Guard units. As for personal use of firearms, I'm all for that. Use your gun for hunting, or just sport in general, and for home defense. Where I get mad is when people think that because the government has fully automatic weapons with massive magazines they should have it, and then they try to use the 2nd Amendment to justify it.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This can be interpreted a couple of ways. The most popular one is that everyone gets guns, no matter what, however this ignores the "well regulated Militia" part. Honestly I see it as saying that you can bear arms if you are part of a militia. However the Dick Act of 1903 pretty much folded the militias into the National Guard. So with that said, the 2nd Amendment protects your right to bear arms if you're part of the National Guard. Don't take this to mean I want to take away your guns, I don't. I believe everyone should be able to own a gun, for sport and self defense. If you do take away the law abiding citizens ability to carry a gun, then the only people who will have them are law enforcement and the military, and the criminals who will ignore the law anyway.
So I've stopped working on my 40k project to get my Flames of War Army (101st Paratroopers) painted. I guess Im burnt out on 40k. I have been playing it 2-3 times a week for 4 years now.
What do you do when your wife sugests we watch Dr. Who?
Morton replied to Ultranator BAR's topic in Mess Hall
Watch it with her. -
Due to finances I have to wait for a few more hours before I can donate. Felt kinda bad I couldn't do it Christmas Eve. So Merry (LATE) Christmas Parker. Thanks for all that you do.
I would recommend Arma so you could play Dayz, but the Stand Alone is rumored to be next month so I feel it wold be a wate of $15. If you don't feel the same, go ahead a buy it.
Managed to play a small game of Flames on Christmas day. It was a close one, came right down to the wire. My paratroopers managed to charge the Hungarian objective, forcing the defending platoon to retreat, but they rallied and charge me. When it was all said and done I had taken about 75% casualties and the Hungarians took about 80%. Lost in the end due to both my CO and XO where killed and I automatically failed my Company Morale check and had to fall back. An extremely bloody battle.
I'm impressed that it is a model that doesn't look like a skeleton. With that said something just seemed off about her. Maybe it was the lifeless eyes, or the smile that really is a grimace. Also I concur with McDowell they did jiggle too much.
Celebrating my Bros birthday. May or may not have been drunk... Working... Nah not really, just goofing off and appearing to work at the same time. A painting a very good friend of mine painted of me.
Name: Black Hawk Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:51665715 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Excessive Team killing. Demo Provided?: No, but a link to his HLStats page will confirm it: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/98474 Comments:
Alright I'm going to take a brief break form this for Christmas. Working retail in December is quite exhausting.
Noob reminds me of Caboose from RedvsBlue.
Nah that is how fanboys like to over inflate the Spess Mahreens. It Comes from Rogal Dorm's (Patriach of the Imperial Fists Space marine Chapter/Legion) quote: "Give me a hundred Space Marines. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops" Most of the fighting in the Imperium's fluff is Imperial Guard or Navy fighting, and something like less then .1% of the battles involve space marines. Hence I play an army that actually fights for the Imperium, rather then for honor and glory. The one per planet might be how rare the Space Marines are. There are only a couple of million of them in the whole galaxy.
Official studio fluff actually puts the ratio at 1 space marine equals 10 guardsmen.
The Imperial Guard is where it is at. Space Marines face the galaxies terrors with automatic rocket launchers and in armor that makes then a walking tank. The Guard faces the same terrors, in flak armor and with lasguns. Truly they are more heroic.
So I get home, and my cat Sir Meowsalot is laying on top of a box of miniatures. I'm thinking "Oh fuck, he just knocked down the ones I just assembled today" Well it turns out it was a box of unassembled minis. No idea why he wants to sleep on pokey plastic when he could sleep on my bed.
Nice one.
I'm in Cabino or what ever it is called between starey and nwa. Ill be on around 1230am est tonight.
So I have started a conversion project for my Imperial Guard. At the moment they are standard Cadians. What I am going to do is: 1: Replace basic troops heads with these helmets: 2: Replace NCO's and Officers with these heads: 3: Replace the legs with these legs: This will give them a more unique look. I'll post a picture when the first model is done. However with Christmas right around the corner, it will be a while.
I guess by playstyle I'd be the squad medic. I only have 19000 humanity and a hero skin.
As of 5:11pm EST I am in Stary Sober. I'll be there until I play tomorrow.