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Everything posted by Morton

  1. That is a myth that comes from that for a long time the US used to measure Alcohol by Weight, while Canada measures using Alcohol by Volume. So if you bought an Budweiser in Canada it would have an 5% ABV rating, then you would compare it with a Bud bought in the US that using the old ABW system it has a 3.9668% ABW and logically you would thing it has a lower percentage of alcohol. However that is incorrect because Alcohol is less dense, about 4/5 as dense as water. The density of alcohol is 0.79336. The density of alcohol is 0.79336. Alcohol by volume is the alcohol by weight times the density. So to get the ABV you actually multiply ABW x 0.79336 (ABV = ABW x 0.79336) So 5 = (3.9668 x 0.79336), 5=5 so they have the same alcohol content. Now US beers are measured using the same ABV as Canada, so there is no more confusion. Just doing a quick search it seems both nations beers hover around 5% to 5.5% ABV. In conclusion, US beers and Canadian Beers have roughly the same alcohol content. BOOM Knowledge Bomb. That 3.2% ABW comes out to 4.03% ABV so it is not as bad as it looks. Dropping some sources here: http://www.sptimes.com/2007/08/17/Drink/Am...anada__Th.shtml http://www.fermentarium.com/industry/beer-...content-battle/ Also just to put you whimpey Canadian drinkers in your place, of the 10 highest alcohol-by-volume beers in the world, nine are made in the United States and one is brewed in Germany.
  2. Morton


    I'm going to open this by saying: I hate most anime. With that said, for the most part I disliked this pilot, since it has the typical anime bullshit I hate: Waif-fu, stupid weapons (really a Scythe-gun?), poorly thought out plot, and the crazy fight sequences. However it may have some redeeming qualities, especially since the pilot villain seemed like a badass. So here it is. Enjoy.
  3. Do it turtle style, but remember Jesus is watching*, so don't get stage fright... *Dude is always trying to catch me in the act, like peeping in the windows and shit. One time I was about to get it on and heard Him in the closet. Chick screamed and ran out. Sometimes Jesus is a major cock block.
  4. Gay marriage? No. looks like a Communion maybe? Did you just choose your saint?
  5. I find it amusing that if you smoke pot you are automatically a hardened criminal in some people's eyes.
  6. NOT BEING CONDESCENDING TOWARDS YOU AREVICCI! RATHER INSULTING ZIMMERMAN! And according to OJ he never killed anyone... So again with Martin being dead and all Zimmerman could have said almost anything. Who would have contradicted him, that dead guy?
  7. I didn't edit your posts Borscht. This thread is going in circles, I'm out.
  8. Two things. One let us keep this civil or this thread will be locked. Second, the biggest complaint I really have with the Zimmerman case is that Martin may have been innocent, and if he had committed a crime he should have been judged by a jury of his peers, not one man with a gun and suspicions. The point is, if Zimmerman had shown restraint and intelligence instead of bravado brought on by having a gun, none of this would have happened. The second biggest complaint is how people are labeling Martin as either a Martyr or a Thug. I personally believe that he was just some kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got scared. Fight or Flight kicked in and he chose fight, which was one of the things that lead to his death.
  9. Not denying that racism plays a part in the courts. I'm denying that that specific case has anything to do with racism, and appeared to be a red herring. However I will say racism isn't as rampant as you make it seem. When a certain group glorifies crime and violence (as in gangs and gangsta rap) I don't find it surprising that they make up a large part of the prison population.
  10. I actually looked into that case, the CBS article is slanted towards making Alexander look like an innocent woman. However the evidence disagrees. Gray (her husband) were having an argument. It got heated. Alexander went into the garage, with out being followed. In the garage, instead of escaping she grabbed her pistol, took the safety off, chambered a round and walked in and took a shot at Gary fired a warning shot through the living room wall, at head height about were Gary was standing. This is after Gary told his sons to gather their clothes so they can leave. There was no evidence of Gary having struck Alexander that night (however he does admit to being abusive in the past.) The prosecution had tried to plea bargain with Alexander, but she refused. Alexander also ignored the judge and went and confronted Gary 4 months after her arrest. This case had nothing to do with racism. In fact you bringing up that case to use as evidence of racism in Tribunals almost seems like a Red herring.
  11. I'd like to point this out. Zimmerman was not a police officer. His whole job is to observe and report, not act like a police officer. Then when he decided to play "cops and robbers" all it would have taken was "Hey I'm George (or Mr. Zimmerman) with the Neighborhood Watch, how is it going?" That would have pretty much absolved him in my mind. If Martin was up to no good, it would have been the same outcome. However, if Martin was just passing through he would have known Zimmerman was just protecting his property, instead he attacked Zimmerman (or as some said perhaps he was attacked by Zimmerman) because he thought his life was in danger. When Fight or Flight kicks in, it is hard to overcome. In my opinion, a man died for no good reason, unless looking suspicious is a reason to die. Zimmerman should have just done his job, which was to observe and report, and wait for the police. Instead he followed Martin around, and may have antagonized Martin.
  12. 9/10 Now for one of my favorite songs/operas/whatever. I love me some hard rock and metal, but put Tchaikovsky on and I'm ensnared by the music.
  13. I had forgotten about this. Pure gold.
  14. 1/10 Not my cup of tea.
  15. Also for the record, I don't feel strongly either way. Well, perhaps I would like to see a merger since it would further shift the balance away from the right since you guys would add 20 new senators and like 48 new representatives. I'm really just debating just to debate lol.
  16. If you don't know Lafy, I live in the south. I resent you grouping me in with all the religious right wing nuts. They are a minority that is dying out. A very VOCAL minority but still a minority. Also as I've said, almost all the issues that come up are handled State to State. Our states have a lot more autonomy than your provinces do. So will gun control is "controversial" it really isn't the media plays it up to increase ratings and probably to increase gun sales. "public healthcare, social programs, gay marriage, abortion" are again all State issues, so it would still be how it is right now. Also don't tell me you don't have corrupt banks, because if so I'll laugh and call you a liar. That affects us all. As for your metaphor it falls flat. We are more like how our American States are, we are each others biggest trading partner, rely on each other for domestic defense and have no problems traveling to the other. we may disagree with each other, and pick on each other good naturally, but we really are not that different. I'm sure you have some wacky right wing nuts as well. http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/can-a...r-etroites.aspx
  17. Like I said, politics is the biggest hurtle. However most of the issue you brought are handled State by State, so it isn't going to affect you as much. Especially since you will have a say in the Government, and as part of the US Quebec as a State would have more freedom not less, since our states are more autonomous than your Providences, or we could just let your Frenchies go and Form NEW France or whatever you guys whine so much about , either way. In National politics the combined states that made up former Canada would have 68 Electoral votes, and your politics are pretty close to the majority of politics in the north, so you would have some say. Our two nations are practically merged already, especially when it comes to defense, we are practically one nation.. No other nations have such a close relationship as we do. So Canadians would benefit just as much as Americans. You could say that all Americans would benefit equally. Edit: As for the Foreign culture thing... This is the UNITED STATES, we don't give a flying fuck about how different your culture is (unless your a religitard republican) since we are a melting pot of different cultures. Also cultural identity isn't stamped out in the US, rather embraced. Look at how many people from Texas are proud Texans, and How many southerners are proud southerners. You Frenchies could be proud Frenchies and guess what. WE don't have a national language so you can speak your wacky french all you want.
  18. The cat one is 100% accurate to my cats.
  19. I think that Canada and the US could actually benefit from closer ties, maybe even a merger. We share a very similar culture and background, and even joined as one country you can still be proud of your Canadian culture, seeing as we have Texan, Southern, ect pride in the US. The economical benefits would help both countries as well, as there wouldn't be a border and lll the expenses it has. There would also only be one war department as well, seeing as for the most part the Defense of N. America is handled by NORAD, and both countries contribute. The real hurtle would be political, but that can be worked out. It would be cool to add 10 more states to the United State of America (since unlike Canada the USA would still fit since both are part of the Americans.) Or we could call it the North American Union or something like that. Oh and Armstrong, in a Conventional and Symmetrical war the US Militarily outclasses Canada and has since the 1900's. Its not an insult to your fighting spirit or anything it is simply we have a the greater population and industry.
  20. Wow, Canada has a military? Also "Prior to the departure of 31 Canadian Brigade Group (31 CBG) personnel from Camp Atterbury, Indiana, Canadian soldiers observed US National Guard soldiers playing an interesting version of the game Tug of War" National Guard... not even Active Duty Army. More serious note, whoever wins, the enemy loses. Honestly Canada and the US are brothers in arms, I couldn't imagine a scenario where the US and Canada are at war.
  21. Full Name: Phil Brandon Morton Age: 23 Location: Cabot, AR. [About 30 minutes north of Little Rock, the State Capital] Occupation: Being Awesome Favorite activity or hobby: Tabletop wargaming: Primarily Warmachine. Special talent: My dice tend to roll hot, so maybe I'm born lucky. Favorite alcoholic beverage: Rock Town Distillery Apple Pie Arkansas Lightning 3 Favorite movies: 1. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly 2. Casablanca 3. The Prestige 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Five Finger Death Punch 2. Volbeat 3. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 3 Favorite songs: 1. 2. Don;t Laugh, the music speaks to me. 3. Something Manly to overcompensate for liking Swan Lake 3 Favorite foods: 1. Buffalo Wings 2. Mexican 3. Steak 4 Fun Facts: 1. I liked Kanganis's addon so I stole it. 2. I was an RA at ASU Jonesboro 3. The lead guitarist of 5FDP, Zoltan Bathory, pegged me in the head with a water bottle at a concert 4. I broke my arm playing football and have a plate and 6 screws in it.
  22. Omg that's just creepy, lemur shark ftw. That is Zaboomafoo. I remember watching that show when I was young. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEtDdlrWOc0...tu.be&t=43s
  23. Your results are too low. Sloths only have 7-8k hits on the internet. Cats have over 140k hits with a 87.3% approval. Plus we all know the internet is a series of tubes, and these tubes are filled with cats.
  24. 7/10 I like a lot of different types of music. This is what I'm listening to right now: <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Rim-m4Wtcqo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Its Johnson quoting Johnson... its Johnceptionson.
  25. Heterosexuality as we know it will come to an end in 90 days!
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