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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Morton

  1. Im gonna brew up like 100 god potions and kill that effin dragon.
  2. I wonder what that sorceress wants with over 600k in lolipops.
  3. It is if you get hit by the little ball that you teleport back.
  4. i can't get by the castle.
  5. If he has probable cause, then yes. Which you would have know if you read the article i linked. Something Similar. http://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/can-a-of...e-w-167074.html
  6. http://www.legalzoom.com/us-law/privacy/wh...n-police-search No Warrant is Required to Search a Car: cars are generally excepted from the advance warrant requirement because of their mobile nature. This gives them license to conduct warrantless searches of cars.
  7. You threw 160 candies on the ground...? (;_
  8. Nevermind it gets better
  9. How is this a game? It just adds candies. I can throw it on the ground I guess or eat them, or what? Does it get better?
  10. Also I live in arkansas, so when you start touring Missouri I'll make a show or two if its near the border. Or maybe you could play a show in Arkansas.
  11. Yeah I listened to all three. Good stuff man, very good stuff.
  12. Is there a difference between Honor and In the North (Honor)?
  13. To use the lingo of days long past, Dude is a Square!
  14. I can play tonight Gris.
  15. So I decided to give a premium account a try, and bought a month, and had left over gold. So I used it to buy the T5 US TD. I asked to join your clan Yama. If any raiders want to play with me, My name is OblviousBlueCaboose
  16. Well I made elite with my M8A1 USTD. Now to grind $400000 since I don't have a premium account.
  17. I play as well. Just casually however so I'm still pretty low. Highest tier is a T4 M8A1 US TD that needs like 1000xp to unlock the next tier and become elite. I also just started a M3 Lee and fucking hate the peice of shit, but I want an m4. And I have T3 US Light tank and thats it.
  18. Actually the lockdown made perfect sense. You have two suspects who engaged law enforcement personnel with explosives and firearms. You don't want the people you are supposed to protect wonder into the crossfire, or get taken hostage. It saves lives. As for the 4th Amendment, it protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures, however like all amendments there are exceptions. A law enforcement officer may enter your home without a warrant if there are exigent circumstances. What are exigent circumstances? They are defined as emergency situations where the process of getting a valid search warrant could compromise public safety or could lead to a loss of evidence. So obviously two guys with firearms and somewhat more importantly bombs compromise public safety. Now as for the last part where you asked if they were provoked, and if so did they just defend themselves. First off, even if a armored SWAT officer walks up to me, weapon aimed at me thinking I'm a terrorist (let's not beat around the bush these guys are terrorists) and I'm an innocent person, there is no way in hell I'm going to start shooting at him. Worst case they arrest me for 24 hours, and let me go for lack of evidence. Best case they get me the hell away from the terrorists. There is absolutely zero reason for a person in America to use force on the police if they are innocent. Now this is just me, but they look 100% guilty. They had explosives and they engaged the police. They were innocent, until proven guilty, which is when they started to use lethal force against the police.
  19. I like how the revolvers hold 20 rounds...
  20. They were the Bloody Mummers, or as they prefer The Brave Companions in the books. How did they do with Hoats lisps? I couldn't stop laughing whenever I saw his lines written down, even at work or in class I'd chuckle a bit.
  21. I like burgers, and I like doughnuts, but the doughnut burgers look nasty.
  22. Did it once, it estimates I know 50054 words.
  23. Its only nuka cola caps bro...
  24. Legend, I will maintain that you are a crazy guy, with crazy music posts.
  25. Same
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