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Everything posted by Morton

  1. So eleven North Carolina Republicans are pushing through a resolution that pretty much ignores both the US Constitution and their state constitution. So what is your take on this raiders? I'm especially interested in anyone's view from North Carolina. Personally I'm outraged. This is so Unconstitutional it boggles the mind to even contemplate this. It is one step short of just establishing a state religion in my opinion. Now lets look at it in full. Section 1: Hello Representatives Ford and Warren yes it does, its called the Constitution. which any 5th grader can tell you is the Supreme Law of the land, even your own State Constitution Article 1, Section 5 of the North Carolina Constitution requires the state to observe federal law: "Every citizen of this State owes paramount allegiance to the Constitution and government of the United States, and no law or ordinance of the State in contravention or subversion thereof can have any binding force." However in the spirit of debate, I'll allow you to ask the Supreme Court, who as you know is given the right by the Constitution to decide what is Constitutional... Wait this brings up Section 2. To me this suggests that they know it is unconstitutional to begin with. Why else would they ignore any federal court ruling?
  2. He is the "Top Billing" actor. Yeah you want to be named either first or last in the opening credits.
  3. Gather these items: 1 liter of fresh blood. 1 oz of thyme. A 3/4 inch iron pipe. A 8 qt pot with lid . Your computer. Next, pour the blood in the pot while sprinkling in the thyme. Put the lid on the pot, and stick the pipe through the lid. Put the pot on a fire and bring to a boil. As it is coming to a boil, chant "Steam Powered" over and over. When the blood boils it will release steam, hold your computer over the pipe and let the steam flow over it. Start chanting "Steam Pipe Steam Pipe" until all the blood boils away. When the blood boils away, chant "OH MIGHTY GABE HEAR YOUR SERVANTS PLEA! PLEASE FIX MY CUSTOM SKINS FOR DODS!" A spirit of Gabe Newell will appear and fix all your problems. I really hope this helps Gris.
  4. I recently picked up Warmachine, and I'm loving this game. It has rules that are clear and concise with competivite play in mind. I play Khador, a Tsarist Russia with Soviet Union influence looking faction. Pretty neat game. I'll post some pictures of my first few models as soon as I finish gluing Supreme Kommandant Irusk together...
  5. Dude a lemur eating a pepper! Now that is spicing things up!
  6. Why do you keep posting Sloths in the Lemur thread? Please read the subtile of the thread next time...
  7. How it seems in the Pub sometimes.
  8. I'm gonna listen to this the next time I take a dump in a public restroom, on my phone at max volume.
  9. Well, this thread has really grown. Not sure if in the right direction, but still growth is good I guess.
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