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Everything posted by Linvill

  1. Im taking my name out. I acquired a copy of this game... But thanks anyway!!
  2. I agree with Arms as well, So in the Admin tools under error check there is a hardware page. to check
  3. Coil at my old job Me Mah car Me
  4. First thing i would do is to Get Avast. its free anti virus. because to me the other one mentioned sound like spyware. just personal pref i guess. Secondly Update Everything, Graphics, service pack if available OS updates everything. once that's done go into Error Check Control Panel >> sys. Security. >> Admin Tools >> Event Viewer. Go into Even viewer and look around for Fatal Errors. under Windows logs and security logs. this will shed a little more insight on what the actual problem is.
  5. Joe Linvill Just moved to Florida for Better Job Prospects and its either paying Rent or be homeless/ hungry. so i cant buy it. And Honestly That is really thoughtful of you to do something like this. I am gratefull of what you are doing regardless if i win or not!!!
  6. So im watching a play through done by Force. and its awesome... I wish i had this game lol.
  7. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=219...e=1&theater Link to my face book with mah mom. and her beer that i had to finish lol
  8. So me and my father went out for drinks and we came a cross a place called the Schnitzel Factory. Great food. Its a little family owned German restaurant. But the beer they had... http://spatenusa.com/3_products/3_1_prod_spectrum/index.htm Spaten. Made in Munich. Seriously ive had some really good beer. I lived in Ft Collins Colorado for a while, Home of New Belgium's Fat tire. For All u beer lovers out there. U have to try this beer. its FUCKING amazing! Not to mention this beer was HUGE. like 3 pints.. huge.. Try it.
  9. Rofl Deew!
  10. 3 words. Steel Toe Boots. ....
  11. I saw tittys !!!
  12. get to walk around and try them and also get ur name out there. maybey end up with some who really likes it and wants to buy it like a scout for football. and it will be a blast.
  13. Hey guys, I banned pop for spamming the mic's and being disrespectful. This is for future reference, Do not un ban him, he added 3 1st member and trilled them. so this is just to further enforce his ban.
  14. http://fortcollins.craigslist.org/sys/2323397846.html.
  15. thats it, My all time favorite song in the world... http://youtu.be/6dW6aNAZGTM BAM thats right....
  16. when i come baq up to chicago ill def hit u up lol
  17. hey goodwin where do u live again man?
  18. http://youtu.be/BfF4QLO-L_4 ok this is my final entry i hope lol this man is hands down amazing. just amazing. enjoy
  19. http://youtu.be/4SpJ0RwEyxQ One of my Fav Drummers this dude is awesome, this is his warm-up solo.
  20. http://youtu.be/mDZuNM3HmU4 i believe my entry stumps all. this mad is amazing. PS i can never get things to embed.
  21. Bump. Just wanting to get an update before i change the maps today. dont want to kill service Is would like to know if strand was on there as well. Thanks. *Salute*
  22. http://youtu.be/0rsrOGnvvIk YES!
  23. Thank you sir.
  24. Sup guys, Kalt 1945 is not on the DL list for the pub we went to change it and it did not let the pubbers DL the map. Could we please get this fix Thanks
  25. Well i could not up load this file any where without paying for something so just forget it files like 2.7g i use fraps not the HL2 recorder, it lags my PC to shit and i cant even demo. so i have to use fraps.
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