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Ritchey 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Ritchey 1st MRB

  • Birthday 09/17/1987

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    Cali . . . not cal-i

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  1. I just had one of the most interesting conversations in my life, I hopped in the 1st MRB server only to see a Waffles of Mass Deliciousness there. Heres just a snippit of the conversation that ensued. 3:49 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: Imposter! 3:50 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): nay ritchie! 3:50 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): u stoldeded my name from mrb server!!! 3:50 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: Pfft, now i know your an imposter, You cant even spell my name right 3:50 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): tsk tsk 3:51 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): i have been forced to hunt down all imposter waffles tonight 3:51 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): 0.o 3:51 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: pfft, i had this name before i joined 1st MRB 3:52 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: i used this vehicle of awesome nameleness back in DoD orig Beta! 3:52 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): I HAVE NEVER USED A NAME BESIDES THIS! 3:52 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: LIES! 3:52 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: PROPAGANDA! 3:52 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): tRUTHS! 3:53 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: I have my Sprays Back when i played CS, Made with hand crafted love in MS Paint!!!! 3:53 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): U know that i came into mrb one day and u was likeOMG THAT NAME ROXZORZ MY BOXZORZ I MUST HAVE and stolded it 3:54 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): U.U 3:54 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: You know you played with me on a server When you were at the young impressionable age of the perpetually retarded, Saw my name and was like OMG THAT NAME ROXZORZ MY BOXZORZ I MUST HAVE and stolded it 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): NOW U TWEAK MY MATERIAL!? 3:55 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: I repurpous it for a greater cause!!! that of the True Waffles!! 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): u even have next to your name a (2) 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): proving u is the imposter 3:55 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: no no no, you sir, have a(2) 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): NO YOU 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): lol 3:55 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): NO YOU 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): lol 3:55 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): <---real wafflesomd 3:56 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): Waffles of Mass Deliciousness (2): no no no, you sir, have a(2) 3:56 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: Let us prove this in the battlefield of your choosing 3:56 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: The way real men do 3:56 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): u dont want this 3:56 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: No sir, YOU, do not want this 3:57 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): hmm...let me look thru your games 3:57 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: there is a plethora, All of which, i have used the WMD Tag 3:58 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): i have been wmd since the dawn of time 3:58 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): nay before time even exsisted 4:00 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: I hav ebeen wmd since before even the concept of time existed, before the first atom was split, before the great nutsack of the universe ever decided seed the universe! 4:00 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): but even if i manage to reclaim my name from the clutches of your evil fingers there are another 10 who have stolded it as well 4:00 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: .... fucking really?~! 4:00 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): YES 4:00 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): i decided hey ima google my user name 4:01 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): turns out 4:01 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): theres 4:01 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): 11 4:01 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: fuck all of these people 4:01 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): then i clickded ur aliases an i was like WHORE 4:02 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): most of them seem pretty inactive 4:02 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: as they should, 4:02 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: this name is only deserving of those who are worthy 4:02 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: unlike some people in this converstaion who are not me 4:03 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): silence doppleganger 4:03 AM - Waffles of Mass Deliciousness: Harlot 4:03 AM - Waffles Of Mass Deliciousness (2): ur like the god what was that movie the one with the plants who eat you at night and become you YOUR ONE OF THOSE!
  2. Wanted to share this with you guys, made it for funzies , great time waster. www.randwalls.com let me know what you think and if you guys have any suggestions to make for additions i should include highlights of the site: user-loaded content can download the full hi-res version of an image or just keep looking at thumbnails clicking on the Moar button or the image itself will generate a new random wallpaper facebook like button (working on implimenting facebook API to log in and upload with) will not see the same image twice in the same session. (at least till you reach 100 views, then you may have a slight chance of having a repeat) so far over 320 images and more coming in daily.
  3. S.Ritchey jr.
  4. Hey hey hey, miss you guise a bunch. now that I'm at the finish line of school, I've got a little more time to play and I hope to see ya'll in the pub later! P.S. newsletter kicks so much ass its ridiculous
  5. turkey goes well with boddingtons
  6. me an mah baby!
  7. so while checking out video game news, i stumbled across this article A video game that dares to make Americans angry my first thought at looking at the title was "another game looking at a PR stunt in order to make sales, just like medal of honor's allowing you to be the taliban" then after reading the article i realized this wasn't the case. Surprisingly the article brought up a great point of bringing emotion into the forefront of an otherwise cookie cutter shooter scene. SO, after that article sparked my interest, i started to look up the game and found the storyline to be extremely intriguing. set after the American economy collapses. Korea, Japan, and a few other asian states meld together into a formal asiatic empire and attack the west coast of the US. first releasing an EMP attack on major cities and then occupying several of those major cities to gain a foothold in the americas for their expansion east. The game itself begins 2 years after the attack and places the player in the shoes of a civilian who has joined the resistance against the foreign invaders. The premise reminds me of world in conflict or freedom fighters, except this time in first person mode. so, armed with this info. your thoughts? anyone gonna check it out ? or "lol modernfps" pass?
  8. Twin town "I don't know how to quit you."
  9. i love it
  10. they do trade ins, but its never a set value. the price they give is based off the supply they have and the demand for the product. you can get almost $40 for new popular games, but if you want to trade in somthing less in demand they value it at a shitton less (like the trade in value for a 360 controller is about $2.50 wheras i got $39 to trade in red dead redemption). i know they take hadware, though you have to see how much your model would be worth.
  11. in my opinion, it has to be an amateur attempt at psychological advertisements. instead of a subtle manipulation of emotions, he must have said to himself "sounds scary, should scare people" when it came the music. i wouldn't slide it past him.
  12. god i love this guy
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