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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. Fixed for the most part, good enough anyway
  2. this has to be fake i dont believe it.
  3. I can draw, message me what you want. I'm just sitting at my parents house all day bored as hell, and i've been wanting to draw something lately but cant think of anything currently.
  5. i have a tattoo on my calf that i regret (not the design, i love the design, i made it myself, but the artist who put it on me fucked it up hardcore). I have another on my arm that i also drew that i love, and the tattoo artist did a great job with it. The number one rule of getting a tattoo, is that if you are not sure what you want to get, DONT GET ONE! It will be permanently inscribed into your body! You have to REALLY want it. I would suggest figuring out the one you want, and sit on the idea for a long time. If you still want the tattoo after waiting on it for a while (im talking 6 months to a year) then go get it! and make sure the artist is good at the style you want!!! (<--- very important) Also, stay away from "kitchen scratchers". Get it done in a good shop that has health certifications, sterilized environments are extremely important, not only for the health of the tattoo, but your overall health in general! EX: Getting a tattoo in someones house that has a cat is dangerous. The dandruff from the cat can give you hepatitis and other nasty diseases. You gotta realize that getting a tattoo is making a giant open wound on your skin, you dont want that shit to get infected. Getting a tattoo in a shop is more expensive, but you get what you pay for, and if youre paying for something that will be a part of your body for the rest of your life, bargain shopping is a BAD idea.
  6. some more
  7. hey, hey! HEY! who says those shirts are lame?! Watch what kind of shit you talk about my wardrobe homes...
  8. Autotune the news is epic
  9. thank you, that helped with the 1st issue.
  10. Name: Stab N' Grab Rank: BAR Type of issue: Steam/DoDs Brief Description of Issue: I have a couple of issues that have become more than annoying. 1.) While attempting to join the server, it tries to download the soundfile "Bandage". Ive never once heard the bandage sound in our server, and sometimes takes extraordinarily long to download it. The longest ive waited is 3 minutes for this sound to download that im pretty sure is not even being used. 2.) I am having alot of issues with people shooting me through walls, and around corners before they are visible on my screen. From my point of view, it looks like there are tracers coming through a wall and hitting me. I've tried shooting back in the direction of the gunfire, but it just hits the wall which they are shooting through >< I'm not sure if this is related, but it may help, I am using Dillons config file that he posted here in the forums. Any help on these issues (especially the 2nd issue) would be most appreciated *Salute* ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: A. Al-Jefri Supporting Technician:
  11. why no votes for mellot?
  12. on the right
  13. B-double E-double R-U-N, BEER RUUUN!!! Austin MN with my train riding buddies
  14. That guy is the shit, I've seen some of his other videos, he usually does voice-overs of Billy May's adds. Good stuff
  15. it either resolved itself or someone unbanned me, thank you.
  16. It seems as though ive been banned from vent for "Spamming" I think i was auto-banned somehow when i logged on. I dont know how it happened or why.
  17. its like a gwar concert for ravers... thats neat. You should look up Electric Daisy Carnival, i used to go to it every year
  18. This is my weapon of choice. I strap it to me and provide phat beats where ever I walk.
  19. one of my favorite homes over this past year, Ill be in Austin soon for SXSW. BTW Wittman, Texas = shit, with the exception of Austin. The rest of TX can go blow its self
  20. it depends, there's alot of cool festivals along my route. Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest in New Orleans, South by Southwest, and Bob Marley Fest in Austin TX, then back over to florida again for a family reunion, then back west to Arizona to try to fix my school situation. It could take 2 months, it could take 6. I have no idea what lays ahead of me, hopefully nothing bad (at least not too bad). This will be my last entry for a long time, and again i disappear from the internetz, fair well raiders!
  21. I'm finally leaving the comfort of DoDs and a loving girlfriend to go hitch hike across America again. From North Carolina to Florida to Arizona, ill be hitch hiking, train hopping, and walking. If you see some shaggy looking fellow along the I-10 with a baby pitbull that needs a ride, every mile counts and he'd surely appreciate it. I look forward to seeing the raiders advancement in skill and server rank once again. HAPPY FRAGGING! - Ret M. Hopkins [1st MRB] PS: Elx hax!!1!1
  22. http://youtu.be/eHHT7dTmw8U i love this music video
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